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Hepatic and splanchnic nitric oxide activity in patients withcirrhosis




BACKGROUND—In animal models of cirrhosis, altered activity of nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of increased intrahepatic portal vascular resistance and abnormal mesenteric vasodilatation.
AIMS—To investigate NO activity in the liver and splanchnic vascular bed of patients with cirrhosis.
METHODS—Activity of the calcium dependent constitutive and calcium independent inducible isoforms of NO synthase (cNOS and iNOS, respectively) was assayed biochemically in biopsy specimens of liver and a vascular portion of the greater omentum (representative of mesenteric vasculature) obtained from patients with cirrhosis undergoing liver transplantation (n=14) and non-cirrhotic control patients undergoing liver resection for metastases (n=9). The concentration of NO metabolites (NO2 + NO3) in portal and peripheral venous plasma was measured.
RESULTS—The activity of cNOS was lower in cirrhotic compared with non-cirrhotic subjects for both liver and omentum. Hepatic and omental iNOS activities did not differsignificantly between the two groups. Portal (NO2 + NO3) was threefold higher in cirrhotic than non-cirrhoticpatients, but no differences were observed in systemic venous samplesfrom the two groups.
CONCLUSIONS—The activity of cNOS isdiminished in the cirrhotic human liver. The resultant decrease inconstitutive NO release may promote an increase in the intrahepaticportal vascular resistance. Elevated portal venous (NO2 + NO3) indicates enhanced splanchnic vascular release of NOin cirrhotic patients, but the absence of increased NOS activity in themesenteric vasculature suggests differential regulation of NO synthesiswithin the splanchnic vascular bed.

Keywords:cirrhosis; constitutive nitric oxide synthase; inducible nitric oxide synthase; nitric oxide; portal hypertension
方法-在肝脏和大网膜血管部分(代表肠系膜脉管系统)的活检标本中,通过生物化学方法测定了NO合成酶的钙依赖性组成型和钙依赖性诱导型亚型的活性(分别为cNOS和iNOS)。来自接受肝移植的肝硬化患者(n = 14)和接受肝切除术转移的非肝硬化对照患者(n = 9)。测量门静脉和外周静脉血浆中NO代谢物(NO2 + NO3)的浓度。
结果-肝硬化和大网膜硬化患者的cNOS活性均低于非肝硬化患者。肝和网膜iNOS活动没有差异两组之间的差异很大。肝硬化门脉(NO2 + NO3)比非肝硬化高三倍患者,但在全身静脉样本中未观察到差异来自两组。
结论— cNOS的活性是在肝硬化的人类肝脏中减少。结果导致组成型NO的释放可能会促进肝内的增加门脉血管阻力。门静脉(NO2 + NO3)升高表明内脏血管NO释放增强在肝硬化患者中,但是在肝硬化患者中没有增加NOS活性肠系膜脉管系统提示NO合成的差异调节在内脏血管床内。




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