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Hybridisation and genetic diversity in introduced Mimulus (Phrymaceae)




Hybridisation among taxa with different ploidy levels is often associated with hybrid sterility. Clonal reproduction can stabilise these hybrids, but pervasive clonality may have a profound impact on the distribution of genetic diversity in natural populations. Here we investigate a widespread triploid taxon resulting from hybridisation between diploid Mimulus guttatus and tetraploid Mimulus luteus, two species that were introduced into the United Kingdom (UK) in the nineteenth century. This hybrid, Mimulus x robertsii, is largely sterile but capable of prolific vegetative propagation and has been recorded in the wild since 1872. We surveyed 40 Mimulus populations from localities across the UK to examine the current incidence of hybrids, and selected seventeen populations for genetic analysis using codominant markers. Cluster analyses revealed two main groups of genetically distinct individuals, corresponding to either diploid (M. guttatus) or polyploid (M. luteus and M. x robertsii) samples. Triploid hybrids were found in around 50% of sampled sites, sometimes coexisting with one of the parental species (M. guttatus). The other parent, M. luteus, was restricted to a single locality. Individual populations of M. x robertsii were genetically variable, containing multiple, highly heterozygous clones, with the majority of genetic variation distributed among-rather than within populations. Our findings demonstrate that this largely sterile, clonaltaxon can preserve non-negligible amounts of genetic variation. The presence ofgenetically variable hybrid populations may provide the material for the continued successof asexual taxa in diverse environments.
机译:具有不同倍性水平的分类单元之间的杂交通常与杂交不育相关。克隆繁殖可以稳定这些杂种,但是普遍的克隆性可能对自然种群中遗传多样性的分布产生深远的影响。在这里,我们研究了一种广泛的三倍体分类群,这种三倍体分类群是由二倍体古惑仔(Mimulus guttatus)和四倍体琵鹭(Mimulus luteus)之间的杂交产生的,这两种物种是在19世纪引入英国(UK)的。这种杂种,Mimulus x robertsii,大部分不育,但能够进行无性繁殖,自1872年以来一直在野外记录。我们调查了英国各地40个Mimulus种群,以研究杂种的当前发生率,并选择了17个种群进行遗传使用显着标记进行分析。聚类分析揭示了两类主要的遗传上不同的个体,分别对应于二倍体(马塔古斯氏菌)或多倍体(黄麻和罗伯氏菌)样品。在大约50%的采样点发现三倍体杂种,有时与一种亲本物种(M. guttatus)共存。另一个父母,M。luteus,被限制在一个地方。罗伯茨罗非鱼的个体群体具有遗传变异性,包含多个高度杂合的克隆,大部分遗传变异分布在而不是在人群中。我们的发现表明,这种很大程度上无菌的克隆分类单元可以保留不可忽略的遗传变异量。存在基因可变的杂种种群可能为持续成功提供物质不同环境中的无性生物分类。



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