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Epidemiology of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Pregnant Adolescents




Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among pregnant adolescents. Methods: Charts of all patients (n = 735) who attended the Maternal and Infant Care Clinic at University Hospital, Newark, NJ, between July 1, 1991, and June 30, 1992, were reviewed for STDs which included gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). At the first prenatal visit, each registrant had endocervical specimens obtained to detect gonorrhea and chlamydia. A serum sample was obtained for syphilis screening. HIV testing was made available to all patients and testing was done on a voluntary basis. The same STD screening that was done at the initial visit was repeated at 28 and 36 weeks. Results: Twenty-five percent of patients tested positive for one or more STDs. The mean patient age was 17.3 years. The mean gestational age at first visit was 19.5 weeks. The mean number of visits was 7.3. The following STDs were identified: 4.8% of patients tested positive for gonorrhea, 20.9% tested positive for chlamydia, and 1.7% tested positive for syphilis. Twenty-one percent of patients had a positive STD diagnosed at the initial visit. Another 4.8% of patients had an STD diagnosed at some time after the initial visit when the initial screen was negative for STDs. An additional 1% of patients who initially tested positive for an STD had subsequent screening which revealed another STD (different organism). Seven patients tested HIV positive. Sixty-one percent of patients with STDs agreed to HIV testing. One patient had HIV coexistent with another STD.Conclusions: Pregnant adolescents are at risk for multiple STDs. HIV testing should be offered. STD screening should be repeated in the third trimester in adolescent patients.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是确定怀孕青少年的性传播疾病(STD)的流行病学。方法:回顾了1991年7月1日至1992年6月30日在新泽西州纽瓦克市大学医院就诊的母婴护理诊所的所有患者(n = 735)的病历,其中包括淋病,衣原体,梅毒。和人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)。在第一次产前检查中,每个注册人都获得了用于检测淋病和衣原体感染的宫颈内膜标本。获得血清样品用于梅毒筛查。所有患者均可进行艾滋病毒检测,并且检测是自愿进行的。在第28周和第36周重复进行初次就诊时进行的相同性病筛查。结果:25%的患者检测出一种或多种性病为阳性。患者平均年龄为17.3岁。初诊时的平均胎龄为19.5周。平均造访次数为7.3。确定了以下性传播疾病:4.8%的淋病检测阳性,20.9%的衣原体检测阳性,1.7%的梅毒检测阳性。初次就诊时有21%的患者诊断为性病阳性。另有4.8%的患者被诊断出患有性病 初次造访后的时间,最初的性病筛查结果为阴性。额外的 最初对性病检测为阳性的患者中有1%随后进行了筛查 揭示了另一种性病(另一种生物)。七名患者的HIV检测呈阳性。 性病患者中有61%同意接受HIV检测。一位病人有 HIV与另一个性病共存。结论:怀孕的青少年有多发风险 性病。应该提供艾滋病毒检测。在第三次中应重复性病筛查 青春期患者。



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