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Leishmania donovani Ornithine Decarboxylase Is Indispensable for Parasite Survival in the Mammalian Host




Mutations within the polyamine biosynthetic pathway of Leishmania donovani, the etiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis, confer polyamine auxotrophy to the insect vector or promastigote form of the parasite. However, whether the infectious or amastigote form of the parasite requires an intact polyamine pathway has remained an open question. To address this issue, conditionally lethal Δodc mutants lacking ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the rate-limiting enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, were created by double targeted gene replacement within a virulent strain of L. donovani. ODC-deficient promastigotes and axenic amastigotes were auxotrophic for polyamines and capable of robust growth only when exogenous putrescine was supplied in the culture medium, confirming that polyamine biosynthesis is an essential nutritional pathway for L. donovani promastigotes. To assess whether the Δodc lesion also affected the ability of amastigotes to sustain a robust infection, macrophage and mouse infectivity experiments were performed. Parasite loads in murine macrophages infected with each of two independent Δodc knockout lines were decreased ∼80% compared to their wild-type counterpart. Furthermore, α-difluoromethylornithine, a suicide inhibitor of ODC, inhibited growth of wild-type L. donovani amastigotes and effectively cured macrophages of parasites, thereby preventing host cell destruction. Strikingly, however, parasitemias of both Δodc null mutants were reduced by 6 and 3 orders of magnitude, respectively, in livers and spleens of BALB/c mice. The compromised infectivity phenotypes of the Δodc knockouts in both macrophages and mice were rescued by episomal complementation of the genetic lesion. These genetic and pharmacological studies strongly implicate ODC as an essential cellular determinant that is necessary for the viability and growth of both L. donovani promastigotes and amastigotes and intimate that pharmacological inhibition of ODC is a promising therapeutic paradigm for the treatment of visceral and perhaps other forms of leishmaniasis.
机译:内脏利什曼病的病原体Leishmania donovani的多胺生物合成途径内的突变使多胺营养缺陷型赋予了寄生虫的昆虫载体或前鞭毛体形式。然而,该寄生虫的感染性形式或鞭毛体形式是否需要完整的多胺途径仍是一个悬而未决的问题。为解决此问题,通过在多诺氏乳杆菌的强毒株中进行双重靶向基因置换,创建了缺乏鸟氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)(多胺生物合成中的限速酶)的有条件致死性Δodc突变体。缺乏ODC的前鞭毛体和轴突性变形虫对多胺是营养缺陷的,仅当在培养基中供应外源腐胺时才能够稳定生长,这证明多胺生物合成是杜氏乳杆菌(L. donovani)前鞭毛体的重要营养途径。为了评估Δodc病变是否也影响了amastigotes维持强大感染的能力,进行了巨噬细胞和小鼠感染性实验。与野生型相比,两个独立的Δodc敲除系中的每一个感染的鼠巨噬细胞中的寄生虫负荷降低了约80%。此外,ODC的自杀抑制剂α-二氟甲基鸟氨酸可抑制野生型多杀性链霉菌的生长并有效治愈寄生虫的巨噬细胞,从而防止宿主细胞的破坏。然而,令人惊讶的是,在BALB / c小鼠的肝脏和脾脏中,两种Δodcnull突变体的寄生虫病分别降低了6个和3个数量级。在巨噬细胞和小鼠中,Δodc基因敲除的感染性表型都通过遗传损伤的游离互补而得以挽救。这些遗传学和药理学研究强烈暗示ODC是L. donovani前鞭毛体和amastigotes的活力和生长所必需的重要细胞决定因素,并暗示ODC的药理抑制作用是治疗内脏和其他形式的有希望的治疗范例利什曼病。



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