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Survival Probability in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Using the Competitive Risk Statistical Model




The clinical picture of patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA) is associated with several complications some of which could be fatal. The objective of this study is to analyze the causes of death and the effect of sex and age on survival of Brazilian patients with SCA. Data of patients with SCA who were seen and followed at HEMORIO for 15 years were retrospectively collected and analyzed. Statistical modeling was performed using survival analysis in the presence of competing risks estimating the covariate effects on a sub-distribution hazard function. Eight models were implemented, one for each cause of death. The cause-specific cumulative incidence function was also estimated. Males were most vulnerable for death from chronic organ damage (p = 0.0005) while females were most vulnerable for infection (p=0.03). Age was significantly associated (p ≤ 0.05) with death due to acute chest syndrome (ACS), infection, and death during crisis. The lower survival was related to death from infection, followed by death due to ACS. The independent variables age and sex were significantly associated with ACS, infection, chronic organ damage and death during crisis. These data could help Brazilian authorities strengthen public policies to protect this vulnerable population.
机译:镰状细胞性贫血(SCA)患者的临床表现与多种并发症相关,其中一些可能致命。这项研究的目的是分析巴西SCA患者的死亡原因以及性别和年龄对存活率的影响。回顾性收集和分析在HEMORIO观察和随访15年的SCA患者的数据。在存在竞争风险的情况下,使用生存分析进行统计建模,以评估对子分布危害函数的协变量影响。实施了八种模型,每种死亡原因各一种。还估计了特定原因的累积发病率函数。男性最容易因慢性器官损伤而死亡(p = 0.0005),而女性最易受感染(p = 0.03)。年龄与急性胸综合症(ACS)死亡,感染以及危机期间死亡显着相关(p≤0.05)。较低的存活率与感染死亡有关,其次是ACS死亡。年龄和性别的独立变量与ACS,感染,慢性器官损害和危机期间的死亡显着相关。这些数据可以帮助巴西当局加强公共政策,以保护这一弱势群体。



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