首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology >Premalignant Laryngeal Lesions: Twenty-Year Experience in Specialized Service

Premalignant Laryngeal Lesions: Twenty-Year Experience in Specialized Service




>Introduction Premalignant lesions are considered both a hyperplastic and dysplastic stage of epithelial lesions in the glottic larynx that may or may not progress into an invasive carcinoma. The evolution of laryngoscopic procedures in outpatients has provided better access to important information for safe and easy diagnosis of laryngeal pathologies. >Objective The goal of this study was to determine the accuracy of the preoperative exam for diagnosis of premalignant laryngeal lesions and their connection with benign diseases of the vocal folds, as well as to assess their epidemiologic characteristics. >Methods This is a retrospective and longitudinal cohort study performed through the review of surgical records of patients who underwent laryngeal microsurgery performed by a single surgeon from 1990 to 2009. >Results Preoperative assessment of outpatients was 64.4% accurate. Vocal fold cysts were the most frequently associated benign lesions. The patients who apparently had premalignant lesions represented 10.57% of those who underwent laryngeal microsurgery. Premalignant lesions prevailed in men (69.49%) age from 41 to 50 years (32.20%). >Conclusion Although the evolution of laryngoscopic procedures in outpatients has provided better access to important information for safe and easy diagnosis of laryngeal pathologies, about one-third of premalignant lesions are diagnosed just during the laryngeal microsurgery. Cysts were the most prevalent concomitant benign lesion of the vocal folds. Males were more prevalent than females and the predominant age bracket was between 41 and 50 years.
机译:>简介癌前病变被认为是声门喉上皮病变的增生和增生阶段,可能会发展为浸润性癌,也可能不会发展为浸润性癌。门诊患者的喉镜检查程序的发展为更好地获取重要信息提供了便利,从而可以安全,轻松地诊断喉部病变。 >目的本研究的目的是确定术前检查对喉癌前病变的诊断及其与声带良性疾病的联系,以及评估其流行病学特征的准确性。 >方法这是一项回顾性和纵向队列研究,其方法是回顾1990年至2009年由一名外科医生进行的喉镜显微手术患者的手术记录。>结果门诊准确率为64.4%。声带囊肿是最常见的良性病变。显然患有恶性病变的患者占接受喉显微外科手术的患者的10.57%。恶性前病变多见于41岁至50岁(32.20%)的男性(69.49%)。 >结论尽管门诊患者的喉镜检查程序不断发展,可以更好地获取重要信息,以安全,轻松地诊断喉部病变,但大约有三分之一的癌前病变仅在喉部显微外科手术期间被诊断出。囊肿是声带中最常见的良性病变。男性比女性普遍,主要年龄段在41至50岁之间。



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