首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Dentistry >A Proposed New Index for Clinical Evaluation of Interproximal Soft Tissues: The Interdental Pressure Index

A Proposed New Index for Clinical Evaluation of Interproximal Soft Tissues: The Interdental Pressure Index




The interdental pressure index (IPI) is introduced to specifically evaluate clinical interproximal-tissue conditions and assess the effect of interproximal hygiene stimulation. This index scores clinical responses of periodontal tissues to the apical pressure of a horizontally placed periodontal probe. It is negative when gingival tissues are firm, bleeding-free, and slightly ischemic by the stimulation; otherwise it is positive. The clinical validation showed high intraoperator agreement (0.92; 95% CI: 0.82–0.96; P = 0.0001) and excellent interoperator agreement (0.76; 95% CI: 0.14–1.38; P = 0.02). High internal consistency with bleeding on probing (κ = 0.88) and gingival index (Cronbach's α = 0.81) was obtained. Histological validation obtained high sensitivity (100%) and specificity (80%) for IPI+ toward inflammatory active form. The same results were recorded for IPI− toward chronic inactive form. IPI results as a simple and noninvasive method with low error probability and good reflection of histological condition that can be applied for oral hygiene motivation. Patient compliance to oral hygiene instructions is essential in periodontal therapy and IPI index can be a practical and intuitive tool to check and reinforce this important aspect.
机译:引入齿间压力指数(IPI)以专门评估临床近邻组织状况并评估近邻卫生刺激的效果。该指数对牙周组织对水平放置的牙周探针的顶压力的临床反应进行评分。当牙龈组织结实,无出血且受刺激轻微缺血时为阴性。否则是肯定的。临床验证显示,术中一致性高(0.92; 95%CI:0.82-0.96; P = 0.0001)和出色的术中一致性(0.76; 95%CI:0.14-1.38; P = 0.02)。在探查时出血(κ= 0.88)和牙龈指数(Cronbach'sα= 0.81)方面具有很高的内部一致性。组织学验证获得了IPI +对炎性活性形式的高敏感性(100%)和特异性(80%)。对于IPI-,针对慢性非活性形式也记录了相同的结果。 IPI的结果是一种简单且无创的方法,具有较低的错误概率,并且可以很好地反映组织学状况,可用于口腔卫生。患者遵守口腔卫生说明对牙周治疗至关重要,而IPI指数可以成为检查和强化这一重要方面的实用而直观的工具。



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