首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Water Consumption in European Children: Associations with Intake of Fruit Juices Soft Drinks and Related Parenting Practices

Water Consumption in European Children: Associations with Intake of Fruit Juices Soft Drinks and Related Parenting Practices




Background: High intake of fruit juices and soft drinks contributes to excessive weight gain and obesity in children. Furthermore, parenting practices play an important role in the development of children’s dietary habits. The way parents play this role in the development of their children’s choices of beverages is still unclear. Objectives: To study the associations: (1) of both fruit juices and soft drinks consumption with water consumption of children and (2) The associations between parenting practices towards fruit juices and soft drinks and water consumption of children. Design: Cross-sectional data from 6 to 8 year old children from seven European communities (n = 1187) were collected. Associations among fruit juices, soft drinks, the respective parenting practices and the child’s water consumption were assessed by parental questionnaires. Results: The consumption of water was inversely associated with that of soft drinks but not with the consumption of fruit juices. The child’s water intake was favorably influenced when stricter parenting practices towards soft drinks were adopted (e.g., less parental allowance, low home availability and high parental self-efficacy in managing intake). There was less influence observed of parenting practices towards fruit juices. Fruit juices were consumed more often than soft drinks. Conclusions: Low consumption of soft drinks—and not of fruit juices—was associated with high water consumption in children in the current study. Moreover, parenting practices towards both fruit juices and soft drinks were associated with the water intake of the children, irrespective of their socio-economic status.
机译:背景:大量摄入果汁和软饮料会导致儿童体重过度增加和肥胖。此外,养育子女的方式在儿童饮食习惯的发展中也起着重要作用。父母在孩子选择饮料的发展中扮演这种角色的方式尚不清楚。目的:研究以下方面的关联:(1)果汁和软饮料的摄入量与儿童饮水量之间的关联;(2)果汁和软饮料的养育方式与儿童饮水量之间的关联度。设计:收集了来自七个欧洲社区(n = 1187)的6至8岁儿童的横断面数据。果汁,软饮料,各自的养育方式以及孩子的饮水量之间的关系通过父母问卷进行了评估。结果:水的消耗与软饮料的消耗成反比,而与果汁的消耗却没有关系。当采取对软饮料的更严格的养育方式时,孩子的饮水量受到了有利的影响(例如,减少父母补贴,住房不足和父母在控制摄入量方面的自我效能较高)。育儿实践对果汁的影响较小。果汁比软饮料消耗更多。结论:在本研究中,儿童少喝汽水而不是果汁与高饮水有关。此外,无论儿童的社会经济地位如何,对果汁和软饮料的养育方式都与儿童的饮水量有关。



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