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  • NLM标题: Clin Pediatr Endocrinol
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  • 机译 短暂性甲状腺功能不全或亚临床甲状腺功能减退症儿童的遗传分析在新生儿筛查中检测到
    摘要:About 30% of children with elevated TSH levels during neonatal screening have a transient form of disorder. On the other hand, it has been reported that subclinical hypothyroidism persists in late childhood in about 30% of children found to be false-positive during neonatal screening. The aim of this study was to determine whether transient thyroid dysfunction and subclinical hypothyroidism detected during neonatal screening are influenced by genetic background. The TSH receptor (TSHR), thyroid peroxidase (TPO) and dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2) genes, for which it has been reported that heterozygous defects cause neonatal transient thyroid dysfunction, were analyzed. Nine children with transient thyroid dysfunction or subclinical hypothyroidism detected during neonatal screening were studied. One child was heterozygous for a TSHR gene mutation (R450H), and another child was heterozygous for a TPO gene mutation (P883S). No children with mutation of the DUOX2 gene were identified. Genetic background may contribute to development of transient thyroid dysfunction and subclinical hypothyroidism detected during neonatal screening.
  • 机译 特纳综合征合并溃疡性结肠炎
    摘要:Turner syndrome is a chromosomal disease frequently associated with autoimmune disorders including diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although the etiology of IBD has not been fully elucidated, genetic analysis has recently revealed several susceptibility genes. Recently, cases with Turner syndrome associated with IBD have been reported. We report here a 13-yr-old girl with Turner syndrome associated with ulcerative colitis. The patient was undergoing growth hormone treatment and presented with abdominal discomfort and bloody diarrhea. Her karyotype pattern was 46,X,i(Xq). Barium enema revealed punctate collections of barium suggesting microulcerations in the descending and sigmoid colon with loss of haustra. Flexible sigmoidoscopy showed that the mucosa was erythematous and friable upon touch and that the wall had frank hemorrhage and inflammatory polyp formation from the anal verge through the splenic flexure. Histologically, mucosal and submucosal inflammation was prominent, suggesting cryptitis and crypt abscess formation. Based on these findings, she was diagnosed as having ulcerative colitis, and 5-aminosalicylic acid, prednisolone and dietary therapy were initiated. Our observations in this patient suggest that X chromosome abnormality may influence the development of IBD and that screening for gastrointestinal disease in patients with Turner syndrome may help lengthen life expectancy in these patients.
  • 机译 CYP21A2的H62L突变被鉴定为非经典形式的21-羟化酶缺乏症。
  • 机译 稳定同位素稀释-气相色谱/质谱法测定新生儿血清17α-羟孕酮
    摘要:Immunochemical measurement of serum 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP), the most important parameter for diagnosis of classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) in newborn infants, is known to be inaccurate due to the cross-reactivity of antibodies with a large quantity of fetal adrenal steroids. The aims of this study were 1) to establish reference values for the serum 17OHP level in Japanese newborn infants using non-immunochemical stable isotope dilution —gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SID-GC/MS) and 2) to compare the serum 17OHP levels determined by SID-GC/MS with those determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The first study subjects were used for determination of reference values and included 57 healthy full-term newborn infants (4–5 d of age). The second study subjects were used for comparison of SID-GC/MS with RIA and included 27 healthy full-term newborn infants (3–6 d of age) and two subjects with neonatal transient hyper 17OHPnemia; these two subjects were 16 and 27 d of age, respectively. In the first study subjects, the intra-assay coefficient of variation for SID-GC/MS was 3% (n=5), the recovery rate was 98%, the sensitivity was 0.2 ng/ml, and the range of linearity was 0.5–200 ng/ml. The reference values for the serum 17OHP level determined by SID-GC/MS ranged from 0.3–1.5 (0.6) (ng/ml) (median). In the second study subjects, the serum 17OHP levels determined by SID-GC/MS were lower in one of the 27 subjects and both of the two subjects with neonatal transient hyper 17OHPnemia compared with the levels determined by RIA. Measurement of the serum 17OHP level using SID-GC/MS may be clinically useful for definitive diagnosis of classical 21OHD in newborn infants.
  • 机译 一名日本男性患者,患有“腓肠发育不全,胫骨Campolialia和少突畸形”:另一例病例报告
    摘要:We report a male infant with FATCO syndrome, an acronym for fibular aplasia, tibial campomelia, and oligosyndactyly. Courtens et al. reported an infant with oligosyndactyly of the left hand, complete absence of the right fibula, bowing of the right tibia, and absence of the right fifth metatarsal and phalanges. They noted 5 patients with similar clinical features, and proposed the FATCO syndrome. Our patient had a left-sided cleft lip, cleft palate, oligosyndactyly of the right hand and bilateral feet, and bilateral anterior bowing of the limbs associated with overlying skin dimpling. Radiographs showed a short angulated tibia with left fibular aplasia and right fibular hypoplasia. We consider our case the 6th patient with FATCO syndrome, and the cleft lip and palate, not reported in the previous 5 patients, may allow us to further understand the development of the extremities and facies.
  • 机译 迟发性淋巴水肿和蛋白丢失性肠病伴Noonan综合征
    摘要:Noonan syndrome is characterized by facial dysmorphology, congenital heart disease and growth failure. Although it is also accompanied by deranged lymph-vessel formation, protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) with Noonan syndrome is rarely reported. We report clinical information about a boy with Noonan syndrome and late-onset lymphedema and PLE after standing for long periods of time during athletic practice sessions. The boy recovered from lymphedema and PLE after administration of 2.5 g of albumin followed by resting and raising his legs. They did not recur after he began walking again. Standing for long periods of time congested the lymph stream at the abdominal lymph vessel, whose formation is frequently disturbed in Noonan syndrome, and the increased pressure caused lymphedema and PLE. PLE is one of the clinical manifestations of Noonan syndrome.
  • 机译 主动脉内膜中层增厚,血清IGF-I与血脂的关系胎儿宫内发育低密度脂蛋白颗粒直径限制
    摘要:Much epidemiological evidence has linked low birth weight with late cardiovascular risk. In order to investigate the effect of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) on early atherosclerosis in the fetus, we measured aortic wall thickness (abdominal aortic intima-media thickness: aIMT) by ultrasonography in 15 neonates with IUGR and in 31 neonates considered to be appropriate for gestational age (AGA). Furthermore, we evaluated the relationship between aIMT, serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size to investigate the possible effect of these atherosclerosis-related factors on the early atherosclerosis process. The results showed that the mean aIMT was significantly greater in the IUGR neonates than in the AGA neonates (least squares mean ± SE, 537 ± 24.8 vs. 471 ± 17.0 µm, p=0.037). The serum IGF-I levels were lower in the IUGR neonates than in the AGA neonates (27.9 ± 4.3 vs. 42.7 ± 2.9 ng/ml, p=0.009). A significant negative correlation was observed between aIMT and IGF-I in the IUGR neonates (r=–0.646, p=0.009); however, a positive correlation was observed between aIMT and IGF-I (r=0.416, p=0.020) in the AGA neonates. There appeared to be no relationship between aIMT and LDL particle diameter. Atherogenic small, dense LDL was not detected in the IUGR infants. In conclusion, neonates with IUGR have significant aortic thickening with decreased IGF-I, suggesting that prenatal events might predispose them tolater cardiovascular risk.
  • 机译 卡麦角林有效诱导9岁的泌乳素瘤缓解日本男孩
    摘要:Prolactinomas are rarely diagnosed in children under the age of 10. A 9-yr-old Japanese boy complained of severe headache and progressive visual disturbance. His growth had been retarded for approximately 3 yr, and his serum PRL level was 811.6 ng/ml. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an enlarged pituitary (2.8 × 2.6 × 2.1 cm) with heterogeneous enhancement. He was diagnosed as having a macroprolactinoma accompanied by pituitary apoplexy and growth hormone deficiency. A surgical approach was initially undertaken due to the progressive visual deficits, but a residual tumor was observed, and the level of serum PRL was still high after the surgery. Cabergoline was then started, and the dose was gradually increased to 1.5 mg/wk. The serum PRL level decreased from 138.8 ng/ml to 32.5 ng/ml and 17.7 ng/ml after 5 wk and 19 wk, respectively. At 33 wk of cabergoline treatment, brain MRI demonstrated no evidence of the residual tumor. Thereafter, the serum level of PRL decreased to less than 10 ng/ml, and remission was consistently confirmed on repeated MRI. No adverse events have been observed. The present case suggests that cabergoline can be an effective treatment for prolactinomas in prepubertal children as well as in adults.
  • 机译 一个2岁男孩的AAAS基因的新型V185DfsX4突变。三重综合征
  • 机译 儿童茎的长期成年存活者的生长和内分泌功能细胞移植
    摘要:The number of long-term surviving stem cell transplant (SCT) recipients has increased steadily, and attention has now extended to the late complications of this procedure. The objective of this study was to investigate relationship among growth and endocrine functions in long-term adult survivors of childhood SCT. The inclusion criteria of this study were survival at least 5 yr after SCT and achievement of adult height. Fifty-four patients (39 males) fulfilled these criteria and were included in this study. Growth was mainly evaluated by height standard deviation score (SDS) and individual longitudinal growth curves. Among the 54 patients, those that received SCT before 10 yr of age showed significantly greater reductions in changes in height SDS (mean –1.75, range –4.80 to –0.10) compared with those that received SCT at or after 10 yr of age (mean –0.50, range –1.74 to 1.20; P<0.001). The mean loss of height for all patients who received SCT during childhood was estimated to be approximately 1 SDS/6.5 yr (r=0.517). Individual longitudinal growth curves indicated that a significant growth spurt was absent in severe short stature patients during the pubertal period without severe endocrine dysfunctions including GH deficiency. The incidence of growth disorder in long-term adult survivors depends on the age at SCT and whether they received radiation therapy. Life-long follow-up is necessary for survivors to detect, prevent and treat the late endocrinecomplications in SCT survivors.
  • 机译 生长激素缺乏症和特发性儿童的生活质量评估使用儿童行为清单的身材矮小
    摘要:The quality of life (QoL) of short children is an important issue that has been studied in Western countries, but not fully in Japan. We assessed the psychosocial profiles of Japanese children with short stature using the Japanese version of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). A higher score in the CBCL means a lower QoL. A total of 116 children with idiopathic short stature (ISS) and 127 children with GH deficiency (GHD), aged 4 to 15 yr, were enrolled in the study. The total CBCL scores of the children in the GHD/ISS group were found to be higher than those of the normal children group. The QoL subscales for social problems and attention problems of the young (4–11 yr) children in the GHD/ISS group were significantly higher than those of the group of children of normal height. The proportion of children with GHD/ISS classified into the borderline/abnormal range was significantly higher than that of normal children. Children with ISS tended to have higher total scores and more subscale problems, and a greater proportion of these children was classified in the borderline/abnormal range than the children with GHD, although the difference was not significant. These results suggest that QoL is impaired in Japanese children due to short stature.
  • 机译 糖皮质激素的应激剂量不能阻止所有肾上腺的进展危机
    摘要:Adrenal crises (ACs) sometimes progress rapidly and can be fatal. The aims of the present study were to reveal whether stress doses of glucocorticoids (SDGs) can prevent progression of severe ACs and to suggest a method of prevention, through analysis of its clinical features. We studied 24 severe ACs (nine patients) that occurred after diagnosis of primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency, retrospectively. The following information was analyzed: 1) whether SDGs were given orally and/or sc; 2) duration from the time when some symptoms started to the time when the patient came to the hospital; and 3) presence of hypoglycemia and electrolyte disturbance (hyponatremia, hyperkalemia). Eleven crises occurred after taking SDGs. Ten crises progressed within 3 h. Six of these ten crises progressed to severe ACs despite the fact that the patients took SDGs. Six crises were observed in association with hypoglycemia, and five of these six crises occurred in patients under 5 yr of age. Three of the six crises in association with hypoglycemia progressed to ACs within 3 h. Two of the three crises progressed to severe status within 3 h despite the fact that the patients took SDGs. Electrolyte disturbance was observed in only one crisis. In conclusion, SDGs cannot prevent progression of all ACs. Progression can be associated with hypoglycemia, particularly in patients under 5 yr of age. Patients should be given guidance on an ongoing basis on how to prevent ACs andhypoglycemia.
  • 机译 低磷酸盐血症性骨软化症患者在治疗期间需要持续治疗成年
    摘要:The treatment for hypophosphatemic rickets in children includes phosphate and vitamin D preparations. In children, this regimen significantly improves symptoms, while a treatment for adult patients has not been established. We therefore investigated the clinical courses of 15 adult patients who discontinued therapy when final height was achieved in order to assess the necessity of treatment in adulthood. Thirteen patients developed symptomatic complications, including bone fractures. Among the 13, the 10 patients who restarted therapy all showed clinical improvement, and no side effects of treatment were observed. This study shows that there are some patients with hypophosphatemic osteomalacia who need continuous treatment during adulthood.
  • 机译 糖尿病儿童的胸膜肺部真菌病
    摘要:A 12 yr old girl with type 1 diabetes presented in ketoacidosis and consolidation of left lower lobe along with left pleural effusion. A diagnosis of mucormycosis was made on smear examination of an exudative pleural aspirate. Left lower lobe lobectomy was performed along with drainage of pleural collection with tube thoracostomy. Worsening respiratory distress postoperatively due to increase in empyema fluid necessitated a second surgery. Pleuropulmonary involvement as seen in this patient is an extremely rare occurrence possibly related to the propensity of mucor to invade blood vessels rather than extend outwardly into pleural cavity.
  • 机译 食品和奶粉中广泛的生物素(维生素H)含量通过高性能亲和色谱法评估
    摘要:The biotin (vitamin H) contents of various foodstuffs were determined by using a newly developed high-performance affinity chromatography with a trypsin-treated avidin-bound column. Biotin was derivatized with 9-anthryldiazomethane (ADAM) to fluorescent biotin-ADAM ester. A wide range of biotin contents were found in various foodstuffs depending upon the species (strain), season, organ (of plants and animals), geography, freshness, preparation method and storage method. Among the foodstuffs and fermented foods tested, it was found that wide distributions of biotin content were observed in powdered milk, natto, sake (rice wine), beer, edible oil and sea weed. Since powdered milk is important for child health and development, 14 kinds of powdered and special milks for use in children’s diseases were intensively measured. We found that several special milk powders for children with allergies contained low levels of free biotin. Use of these powdered milks caused skin diseases and alopecia in some patients possessing thermolabile serum biotinidase, and administration of free biotin improved their symptoms dramatically. Therefore, it is essential to estimate the total and free biotin contents on each foodstuff in order to improve effective biotin intake and support better health and quality of life for people.
  • 机译 尿崩症,视力减退和糖尿病揭示了孤立的神经结节病儿童患者的复视:一个诊断问题
    摘要:We report a case of 15-yr-old child that was presented with headache, polyuria, polydipsia, recent ocular motor and abducens nerve palsies and rapid visual loss. He had a long history of progressive symmetric muscular weakness predominant in the lower limb girdle. Water deprivation revealed central diabetes insipidus. Hormonal explorations demonstrated preserved pituitary function with mild hyperprolactinemia at 21.5 ng/ml (N: 2.6 to 13.1 ng/ml). Magnetic resonance imaging showed an extensive isosignal T1 and hyposignal T2 enhanced lesion infiltrating the pituitary gland, optic-chiasmal hypothalamic region, cavernous sinus, cerebrum tent and sphenoid and temporal meningeal spaces. The serum level of angiotensin converting enzyme and cerebrospinal fluid analysis were normal. No other systemic localisation was identified. Muscle biopsy objectified dystrophic changes. Genetic study identified a delT 521 mutation characteristic of Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2C. Corticotherapy rapidly ameliorated the neurological symptoms. This patient was diagnosed as having neurosarcoidosis. Neurosarcoidosis is rarely reported in childhood. We discuss the problems related to diagnosis in such a situation below.
  • 机译 MAMLD1(CXorf6)是下丘脑
    摘要:MAMLD1 (mastermind-like domain containing 1), previously known as CXorf6 (chromosome X open reading frame 6), has been shown to be a causative gene for hypospadias. This is primarily based on the identification of nonsense mutations (E124X, Q197X, and R653X), which undergo nonsense mediated mRNA decay, in patients with penoscrotal hypospadias. Subsequent molecular studies have shown that the mouse homolog is transiently expressed in fetal Sertoli and Leydig cells around the critical period for sex development, and that transient knockdown of Mamld1 results in significantly reduced testosterone production in murine Leydig tumor cells. These findings suggest that the MAMLD1 mutations cause hypospadias primarily because of compromised testosterone production around the critical period for sex development.
  • 机译 类固醇21羟化酶的产前诊断和治疗不足
    摘要:Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) accounts for 90–95% of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) cases. It is classified into three distinct clinical phenotypes: the salt-wasting (SW), simple virilizing (SV) and nonclassical forms (NC). As girls with the SW and SV forms of 21-OHD are exposed to high systemic levels of adrenal androgens during fetal life, they show genital ambiguity. To ameliorate the degree of genital virilization, prenatal dexamethasone treatment has been performed for more than two decades, although mainly in the USA and Europe. This treatment has proven to be effective in preventing or reducing genital virilization. Some data also show that prenatal diagnosis and treatment are safe for the mother and fetus. However, prenatal treatment is still controversial for the following reasons. First, the risk of having an affected female fetus is only one in eight when both parents are known carriers of the autosomal recessive trait. Therefore, seven of eight fetuses will receive dexamethasone unnecessarily, and this raises ethical questions. Furthermore, maternal side effects such as excessive weight gain and hypertension have been observed. Finally, the long-term safety and outcome for dexamethasone-exposed children have not been established. In Japan, prenatal diagnosis and treatment has rarely been reported because of these reasons. Therefore, we must be cautious, and this treatment should be carried out in specialcenters with the approval of their ethical committees, that are capable of performingchorionic villus sampling (CVS) and subsequently determining the karyotype and genotype of21-OHD.
  • 机译 导致父本和母本表型发育的分子机制孕产妇单亲二体染色体14
    摘要:Human chromosome 14q32.2 carries a cluster of imprinted genes. They include paternally expressed genes (PEGs) such as DLK1 and RTL1, and maternally expressed genes (MEGs) such as GTL2 (alias, MEG3), RTL1as (RTL1 antisense), and MEG8. Consistent with this, paternal and maternal uniparental disomies for chromosome 14 (upd(14)pat and upd(14)mat) cause distinct phenotypes. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the underlying factors for the development of upd(14)pat and upd(14)mat phenotypes. The data available suggest that the DLK1-GTL2 intergenic differentially methylated region (IG-DMR) plays an important role in the maternal to paternal epigenotypic switch, and that excessive RTL1 expression and decreased DLK1 and RTL1 expression play a major role in the development of upd(14)pat-like and upd(14)mat-like phenotypes, respectively.


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