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  • 机译 牛皮癣逆转:从诊断到目前的治疗选择
    摘要:Inverse psoriasis represents a clinical variant of psoriasis that is sometimes difficult to diagnose due to its clinical similarity with other skin disorders involving the folds, mainly including mechanical intertrigo, fungal and bacterial infections, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and lichen planus. Dermoscopy represents a useful tool for an enhanced non-invasive diagnosis. The treatment of inverse psoriasis may be challenging and include topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, vitamin D analogs, traditional oral systemic therapies such as cyclosporine and methotrexate, and biologic therapies.
  • 机译 VYC-12注射用凝胶剂对改善面部皮肤形貌安全有效:一项前瞻性研究
    摘要:Evaluate safety and effectiveness of VYC-12 (Juvéderm Volite; an injectable crosslinked hyaluronic acid gel designed to improve skin quality attributes such as surface smoothness and hydration) for facial intradermal injection.
  • 机译 Princess®FILLER利多卡因在鼻唇沟矫正中的安全性和有效性
    摘要:Nasolabial folds (NLFs) are one of the most noticeable signs of facial aging. NLFs negatively affect self-confidence and social acceptance often leading to a person’s desire to improve their appearance using dermal fillers. The hyaluronic acid injectable gel implant Princess FILLER Lidocaine (PFL) is a minimally invasive easy to administer the product. In this investigation, we assessed the safety and efficacy of PFL to correct moderate to severe NLFs over a 36-week period.
  • 机译 乳铁蛋白对冬季主观皮肤状况的影响:初步,随机,双盲,安慰剂对照试验
    摘要:To investigate the effects of lactoferrin (LF) on subjective skin conditions in winter.
  • 机译 痤疮中口服异维A酸的挑战和解决方案:对35年经验的反思
    摘要:Acne vulgaris affects more than 80% of adolescents and young adults and forms a substantial proportion of the dermatologist’s and general practitioner’s caseload. Severity of symptoms varies but may result in facial scarring and psychological repercussions. Oral isotretinoin is highly effective but can only be prescribed by specialists. Side effects are recognized and mostly predictable, ranging from cosmetic effects to teratogenicity. These can affect patients’ quality of life and treatment adherence. This article provides a commentary on 4 key areas: the use of oral isotretinoin vs oral antibiotics, including the importance of early recognition of nonresponse to treatment, the psychological effects of acne and isotretinoin treatment, the side effects of isotretinoin therapy, and cosmetic treatment options that can help alleviate predictable side effects. The authors, who have all participated in various international expert groups, draw on relevant literature and their extensive professional experience with oral isotretinoin in the treatment of acne. The aim of this article is to provide an informative and practical approach to managing oral isotretinoin treatment in patients with acne, to help optimize treatment of this skin disease.
  • 机译 抵抗性特应性皮炎的治疗:挑战和解决方案[更正]
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
    • 2019年第期
    摘要:Johnson BB, Franco AI, Beck LA, Prezzano JC. . 2019; 12:181–192.
  • 机译 黄褐斑的眉毛-简要回顾
    摘要:Xanthelasma palpebrarum is the most common cutaneous xanthoma, characterized by yellowish plaques over eyelids – most commonly, over the inner canthus of the upper lid. It is triggered by hyperlipidemia, thyroid dysfunction, and diabetes mellitus. Xanthelasma results from perivascular infiltration of mono- and multinucleated foam cells within lipid-laden cytoplasmic vacuoles in the superficial reticular dermis. Different modalities of treatment, such as simple surgical excision, cryotherapy, chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid, radiofrequency, and laser, are used in the treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum. A brief review of current treatment strategies is presented here.
  • 机译 dupilumab的概况及其在中度至重度特应性皮炎控制不力方面的潜力
    摘要:Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory skin disorder that manifests as eczematous lesions, often associated with allergic rhinitis and asthma. Historically, moderate-to-severe disease has been managed with systemic immunosuppression, such as oral corticosteroids, which result in relapse and limiting side effects. Due to recent advancements in the identification of interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-13 as key mediators in AD, new biological agents have been developed for treatment. Dupilumab is a recently approved monoclonal antibody that targets the alpha subunit of the IL-4 receptor and, thus, downregulates activity of IL-4 and IL-13. This review discusses the profile of dupilumab and its potential for efficacy and safety in treating moderate-to-severe AD by reviewing data from Phase I–III clinical trials. Results suggest that dupilumab shows great therapeutic promise for AD. Further studies investigating extended use of dupilumab and dupilumab in comparison to other agents are needed to establish long-term efficacy and safety.
  • 机译 成人痤疮:流行,影响和管理挑战
    摘要:Acne is a multifactorial and inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous follicles, which affects most adolescents. Recent epidemiological data revealed a difference in adults affected by this disease. Women have a high prevalence and incidence when compared with men, especially after 25 years of age. In contrast to what was initially thought, most of these patients do not present endocrinopathy capable of leading to the development of the lesions. When present, polycystic ovarian syndrome is the main cause. However, in these cases, acne is rarely the only dermatological manifestation; hirsutism and acanthosis nigricans are often present. The majority of the normoandrogenic acne patients present a history since adolescence, but in many cases the lesion distribution and intensity change with time. There is often a typical localization of the lesions in the lower third of the face and lateral region of the neck. Another interesting feature is related to the impact on quality of life (QoL), which is always intense. Often there are signs of depression, even when the lesions are mild. As most adult patients are women, in addition to the conventional options, there is also hormone treatment. Combined oral contraceptives and spironolactone are good options. Knowing more about the particularities in etiopathogenesis, impact on QoL, and specific treatment options is important to all dermatologists who face the challenge of treating acne in adults.
  • 机译 Morgellons病的历史:从妄想到定义
    摘要:Morgellons disease (MD) is a skin condition characterized by the presence of multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although the condition may have a longer history, disease matching the above description was first reported in the US in 2002. Since that time, the condition that we know as MD has become a polemic topic. Because individuals afflicted with the disease may have crawling or stinging sensations and sometimes believe they have an insect or parasite infestation, most medical practitioners consider MD a purely delusional disorder. Clinical studies supporting the hypothesis that MD is exclusively delusional in origin have considerable methodological flaws and often neglect the fact that mental disorders can result from underlying somatic illness. In contrast, rigorous experimental investigations show that this skin affliction results from a physiological response to the presence of an infectious agent. Recent studies from that point of view show an association between MD and spirochetal infection in humans, cattle, and dogs. These investigations have determined that the cutaneous filaments are not implanted textile fibers, but are composed of the cellular proteins keratin and collagen and result from overproduction of these filaments in response to spirochetal infection. Further studies of the genetics, pathogenesis, and treatment of MD are warranted.
  • 机译 经典扁平苔藓的治疗管理:系统评价
    摘要:Several treatment strategies have been proposed in classic lichen planopilaris (LPP), although no gold standard therapeutic approach has been recognized so far due to the variable and, sometimes, contradictory results reported in the literature, as well as due to the lack of guidelines and randomized controlled trials. In the present review, we sought to provide an updated overview on the treatment of classic LPP by analyzing the level of evidence of published studies, also proposing a possible therapeutic strategy according to the findings highlighted in this systematic review.
  • 机译 酒渣鼻的社会心理方面的重点是焦虑和抑郁
    摘要:BackgroundRosacea is a common, chronic skin condition characterized by facial redness and inflammatory lesions. The disease can lead to social stigmatization and may significantly reduce the quality of life of patients. Psychosocial impact of rosacea can be severe and debilitating; however, it is still underestimated.
  • 机译 牵引性脱发:问题的根源
    摘要:Traction alopecia (TA) affects one-third of women of African descent who wear various forms of traumatic hairstyling for a prolonged period of time. The risk of TA is increased by the extent of pulling and duration of traction, as well as the use of chemical relaxation. The frequent use of tight buns or ponytails, the attachment of weaves or hair extensions, and tight braids (such as cornrows and dreadlocks) are believed to be the highest risk hairstyles. TA can also occur in the setting of religious and occupational traumatic hairstyling. In its later stages, the disease may progress into an irreversible scarring alopecia if traumatic hairstyling continues without appropriate intervention. The most common clinical presentation includes marginal alopecia and non-marginal patchy alopecia. A clue to the clinical diagnosis is the preservation of the fringe sign as opposed to its loss in frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA). Dermoscopy can be helpful in the diagnosis and can detect the ongoing traction by the presence of hair casts. Histopathology can distinguish TA from alopecia areata, FFA, and patchy central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia. Currently, there is no cure. Therefore, it is imperative that clinicians educate high-risk populations about TA and those practices that may convey the risk of hair loss.
  • 机译 个性化护肤:从分子基础到临床和商业应用
    摘要:Individual responses of human skin to the environmental stress are determined by differences in the anatomy and physiology that are closely linked to the genetic characteristics such as pigmentation. Ethnic skin phenotypes can be distinguished based on defined genotypic traits, structural organization and compartmentalized sensitivity to distinct extrinsic aging factors. These differences are not only responsible for the variation in skin performance after exposure to damaging conditions, but can also affect the mechanisms of drug absorption, sensitization and other longer term effects. The unique characteristics of the individual skin function and, particularly, of the ethnic skin type are currently considered to shape the future of clinical and pharmacologic interventions as a basis for personalized skincare. Individual approaches to skincare render a novel and actively growing area with a range of biomedical and commercial applications within cosmetics industry. In this review, we summarize the aspects of the molecular and clinical manifestations of the environmental stress on human skin and proposed protective mechanisms that are linked to ethnic differences and pathophysiology of extrinsic skin aging. We subsequently discuss the possible applications and translation of this knowledge into personalized skincare.
  • 机译 复发性念珠菌间质性:挑战和解决方案
    摘要:Intertrigo is a common inflammatory dermatosis of opposing skin surfaces that can be caused by a variety of infectious agents, most notably candida, under the effect of mechanical and environmental factors. Symptoms such as pain and itching significantly decrease quality of life, leading to high morbidity. A multitude of predisposing factors, particularly obesity, diabetes mellitus, and immunosuppressive conditions facilitate both the occurrence and recurrence of the disease. The diagnosis of candidal intertrigo is usually based on clinical appearance. However, a range of laboratory studies from simple tests to advanced methods can be carried out to confirm the diagnosis. Such tests are especially useful in treatment-resistant or recurrent cases for establishing a differential diagnosis. The first and key step of management is identification and correction of predisposing factors. Patients should be encouraged to lose weight, followed up properly after endocrinologic treatment and intestinal colonization or periorificial infections should be medically managed, especially in recurrent and resistant cases. Medical treatment of candidal intertrigo usually requires topical administration of nystatin and azole group antifungals. In this context, it is also possible to use magistral remedies safely and effectively. In case of predisposing immunosuppressive conditions or generalized infections, novel systemic agents with higher potency may be required.
  • 机译 无针喷射注射的当前趋势:更新
    摘要:BackgroundJet injection can be defined as a needle-free drug delivery method in which a high-speed stream of fluid impacts the skin and delivers a drug. Despite 75 years of existence, it never reached its full potential as a strategic tool to deliver medications through the skin.
  • 机译 肉毒杆菌神经毒素制剂:克服困惑
    摘要:Botulinum toxin A is produced by anaerobic spore-forming bacteria and is used for various therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Botulinum toxin A injections are the most popular nonsurgical procedure worldwide. Despite an increased demand for botulinum toxin A injections, the clinical pharmacology and differences in formulation of commonly available products are poorly understood. The various products available in the market are unique and vary in terms of units, chemical properties, biological activities, and weight, and are therefore not interchangeable. For safe clinical practice and to achieve optimal results, the practitioners need to understand the clinical issues of potency, conversion ratio, and safety issues (toxin spread and immunogenicity). In this paper, the basic clinical pharmacology of botulinum toxin A and differences between onabotulinum toxin A, abobotulinum toxin A, and incobotulinum toxin A are discussed.
  • 机译 核结构蛋白参与人类皮肤对环境压力的衰老相关反应
    摘要:Human skin is a stratified endocrine organ with primary roles in protection against detrimental biochemical and biophysical factors in the environment. Environmental stress causes gradual accumulation of the macromolecular damage and clinical manifestations consistent with chronic inflammatory conditions and premature aging of the skin. Structural proteins of cell nucleus, the nuclear lamins and lamina-associated proteins, play an important role in the regulation of a number of signal transduction pathways associated with stress. The nuclear lamina proteins have been implicated in a number of degenerative disorders with frequent clinical manifestations of the skin conditions related to premature aging. Analysis of the molecular signatures in response of the skin to a range of damaging factors not only points at the likely involvement of the nuclear lamina in transmission of the signals between the environment and cell nucleus but also defines skin’s sensitivity to stress, and therefore the capacities to counteract external damage in aging.
  • 机译 Mohs显微外科手术治疗黑色素瘤的最新观点
    摘要:Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS), a specialized surgical excision technique used primarily in the treatment of skin cancers, is tissue sparing and provides optimal margin control through evaluation of 100% of both the peripheral and deep margin. The use of MMS for the treatment of malignant melanoma (MM) and melanoma in situ (MIS) has been slow in gaining the same widespread acceptance that it has for keratinocyte carcinomas despite its cost-effectiveness and the growing body of evidence demonstrating similar or improved cure rates to standard wide local excision. However, modern advances in immunohistochemical staining have continued to greatly enhance the ability of Mohs surgeons to interpret MMS frozen sections of melanoma specimens – the primary concern of most opponents of MMS for melanoma. These advances, coupled with an increased recognition by professional organizations of the utility of MMS in treating MM and MIS, have led to a rise in the use of MMS for melanoma in recent years. Given the expanding role of MMS in the treatment of cutaneous melanoma, this manuscript will describe how MMS is performed, discuss the rationale and current evidence regarding the use of MMS for MM and MIS, review the immunohistochemical stains currently available for use in MMS, and consider special situations and future directions in this area of growing interest.
  • 机译 化学粉刺治疗痤疮:患者选择和观点
    摘要:Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disorder in adolescents and young adults. It carries a significant psychological and economic burden to patients and society. A wide range of therapeutic options are available, including topicals and systemic therapies. Chemical peeling is a skin resurfacing procedure intended to regenerate normal skin from the application of exfoliative agents. It has been used for the treatment of acne vulgaris and other skin disorders for decades. There are several chemical agents with variable mechanisms of action, usually classified as superficial, medium, and deep peels. When selecting the patient and the appropriate peel, the dermatologist individualizes therapy, and performs an extensive interview, including past medical history and physical exam. Several host factors can affect the outcome of this procedure, including current psychological state, medications, history of surgery, and immune system, among others. The physician must also be confident that the peel is safe and effective for the target patient. The Fitzpatrick skin type scale is a useful tool to classify patients based on skin color and ability to tan, but also can be used to evaluate preoperative risk of postpeel response and complications. Dark-skinned patients (Fitzpatrick skin type IV–VI), including blacks, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino, are at higher risk of postinflammatory/postpeel hyperpigmentation. When treating these populations, deep chemical peels should be avoided, and preoperative preparation emphasized. There are many studies available in the literature supporting the use of superficial to medium depth peels as adjuvant therapy for acne vulgaris. This review article aims to present the most important factors when selecting a patient for a chemical peel, the evidence behind its safety and efficacy, and special considerations when choosing a specific agent.


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