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Histology of the islets of Langerhans following administration of human lymphocytes into athymic mice.




Lymphocytes from seven newly diagnosed insulin-dependent (Type 1) diabetics, five islet cell antibody positive unaffected children and five normal subjects were injected i.p. into athymic nude mice. A further six mice were injected with medium and six control mice received no injection. Blood was taken from the tail vein before injection for glucose determination. After 10 days blood was again obtained from the tail vein; the pancreas was removed under deep ether anaesthesia and the mice sacrificed by exsanguination. Routine histological sections of the pancreas were prepared. There was no difference between groups in respect of the initial blood glucose. However, final blood glucose levels were raised in all mice that had received an injection including medium only, the rise being statistically significant both after injection of lymphocytes from normal subjects (P less than 0.05) and from newly diagnosed diabetics (P less than 0.001). Histology did not reveal any evidence of 'insulitis' or islet cell damage although enlarged, hyperplastic islets could be found in each group of treated mice. We conclude that passive transfer of diabetes was not achieved in this animal model. Elevation of blood glucose levels and islet hyperplasia may simply reflect a non-specific 'stress' reaction.
机译:腹腔注射了来自七个新诊断的胰岛素依赖型(1型)糖尿病患者,五个胰岛细胞抗体阳性未患病儿童和五个正常受试者的淋巴细胞。进入无胸腺裸鼠。再给六只小鼠注射培养基,六只对照小鼠不注射。注射前从尾静脉采血以测定葡萄糖。 10天后,再次从尾静脉获得血液;在深乙醚麻醉下除去胰腺,放血处死小鼠。准备胰腺的常规组织切片。两组之间的初始血糖没有差异。但是,所有只注射了中等剂量注射的小鼠的最终血糖水平均升高,在从正常受试者(新陈代谢的糖尿病患者(P低于0.05)和新诊断出的糖尿病患者的淋巴细胞(P低于0.001))注射后,升高的血糖水平具有统计学意义。 。组织学没有发现任何“胰岛炎”或胰岛细胞损伤的证据,尽管在每组治疗的小鼠中都可以发现增生的胰岛。我们得出结论,在该动物模型中未实现糖尿病的被动转移。血糖水平升高和胰岛增生可能只是反映了非特异性的“应激”反应。



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