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A Curious Case of Iron-Deficiency Anemia




A 49-year-old Brazilian male presented to the emergency department with a five-day history of abdominal pain, dark stools, and syncope. Physical examination did not reveal any melena on digital rectal examination and there were no stigmata of chronic liver disease. Laboratory results showed hemoglobin of 47 g/L, MCV of 80 fL, and ferritin of 6 ng/mL. Liver enzymes and liver function tests were normal. Abdominal ultrasound showed a cirrhotic liver with splenomegaly and varices suggestive of portal hypertension. His past history was significant for cirrhosis based on a previous variceal bleed but a workup for chronic liver disease was negative and a liver biopsy did not show steatosis, fibrosis, or cirrhosis. A gastroscopy in this admission showed large esophageal varices without high-risk stigmata and no overt bleeding was seen. A colonoscopy was subsequently completed to the terminal ileum and was normal aside from a 5 mm sessile polyp in the descending colon.
机译:一名49岁的巴西男性因出现五天的腹痛,大便黝黑和晕厥病史,被送往急诊科。体格检查在直肠指检中未发现任何黑斑病,也没有慢性肝病的烙印。实验室结果显示血红蛋白为47μg/ L,MCV为80μfL,铁蛋白为6μng/ mL。肝酶和肝功能检查正常。腹部超声检查发现肝硬化的肝有脾肿大和静脉曲张,提示门静脉高压症。基于先前的静脉曲张出血,他的过去病史对肝硬化意义重大,但对慢性肝病的检查结果为阴性,肝活检未显示出脂肪变性,纤维化或肝硬化。这次入院的胃镜检查显示食管静脉曲张较大,没有高风险的柱头,也没有发现明显的出血。结肠镜检查随后在回肠末端完成,除降结肠的5 mm无蒂息肉外,其余均正常。



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