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Is Living in a High-Rise Building Bad for Your Self-Rated Health?




While the construction of high-rise buildings is a popular policy strategy for accommodating population growth in cities, there is still much debate about the health consequences of living in high flats. This study examines the relationship between living in high-rise buildings and self-rated health in Belgium. We use data from the Belgian Census of 2001, merged with the National Register of Belgium (N = 6,102,820). Results from multilevel, binary logistic regression analyses show that residents living in high-rise buildings have considerable lower odds to have a good or very good self-rated health in comparison with residents in low-rise buildings (OR 0.67; 95 % CI 0.67–0.68). However, this negative relationship disappears completely after adjusting for socioeconomic and demographic variables (OR 1.04; 95 % CI 1.03–1.05), which suggests that residents’ worse self-rated health in high-rise buildings can be explained by the strong demographic and socioeconomic segregation between high- and low-rise buildings in Belgium. In addition, there is a weak, but robust curvilinear relationship between floor level and self-rated health within high-rise buildings. Self-rated health increases until the sixth floor (OR 1.19; 95 % CI 1.15–1.24) and remains stable from the seventh floor and upwards. These findings refute one of the central ideas in architectural sciences that living in high buildings is bad for one’s health.
机译:尽管高层建筑的建造是适应城市人口增长的流行政策策略,但关于居住在高层公寓中的健康后果仍存在很多争议。这项研究考察了比利时高层建筑中的生活与自我评估的健康之间的关系。我们使用的是2001年比利时人口普查数据,该数据与比利时国家统计局合并(N = 6,102,820)。多层次二进制Logistic回归分析的结果表明,与低层建筑的居民相比,高层建筑的居民拥有良好或非常好的自我评估健康的几率较低(OR 0.67; 95%CI 0.67– 0.68)。但是,在调整了社会经济和人口变量之后,这种负相关关系完全消失了(OR 1.04; 95%CI 1.03–1.05),这表明高层建筑中居民自我评估的健康状况较差可以用强大的人口和社会经济来解释。比利时的高层和低层建筑物之间的隔离。此外,高层建筑中的楼层水平与自评估健康之间存在弱但稳健的曲线关系。自我评估的健康状况会一直持续到第六层(OR 1.19; 95%CI 1.15–1.24),并且从第七层开始一直保持稳定。这些发现驳斥了建筑科学的中心思想之一,即居住在高楼大厦中对人体健康有害。



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