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Self-reported illness among travelers to the Russian Far East.




This study evaluated the risk of travelers to the Russian Far East developing acute gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms. Passengers and crew on 10 commercial airline flights from the Russian Far East to the United States were asked to complete a health questionnaire that asked age, sex, country of residence, length of stay, foods and beverages consumed, and about gastrointestinal or "flu" symptoms. Questionnaires were returned by 353 of 662 persons (53.3 percent). The most frequently reported symptoms were diarrhea (N = 18; 5.1 percent) and "flu" symptoms (N = 15; 4.2 percent). Among those people who reported symptoms, most were sick for 3 days or less, although 10 (27.0 percent) were still sick at the time that they entered the United States. Age and sex were not associated with symptoms. Persons who drank untreated tap water were more likely to have gastrointestinal symptoms (relative risk = 2.7; 95 percent confidence interval = 1.2, 5.9) while those who drank bottled or canned fruit juice were protected (relative risk = 0.4; 95 percent confidence interval = 0.2, 0.8). The incidence of "flu" symptoms was similar to the rate for the general population of the United States while the incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms was increased and only slightly less than the rate among travelers to developing countries. Travelers may wish to restrict consumption of untreated tap water and increase consumption of fruit juices. Additional work is needed to identify the pathogens responsible for acute illness among travelers to the Russian Far East.
机译:这项研究评估了前往俄罗斯远东地区的旅行者出现急性胃肠道或呼吸道症状的风险。从俄罗斯远东地区到美国的10架商业航班的乘客和机组人员均被要求填写一份健康调查表,询问年龄,性别,居住国,居留时间,食用的食品和饮料,以及有关胃肠道或“流感”的信息症状。 662人中的353人返回了调查表(占53.3%)。报告最频繁的症状是腹泻(N = 18; 5.1%)和“流感”症状(N = 15; 4.2%)。在报告症状的人中,大多数人病了3天或更短时间,尽管进入美国时仍有10人(占27.0%)病了。年龄和性别与症状无关。饮用未经处理的自来水的人更有可能出现胃肠道症状(相对风险= 2.7; 95%置信区间= 1.2、5.9),而喝瓶装或罐装果汁的人则受到保护(相对风险= 0.4; 95%的置信区间= 0.2,0.8)。 “流感”症状的发生率与美国普通人群的发生率相似,而胃肠道症状的发生率却有所增加,仅略低于前往发展中国家的旅行者的发病率。旅行者不妨限制未经处理的自来水的消耗量,并增加果汁的消耗量。需要更多的工作来确定前往俄罗斯远东地区的旅行者中引起急性疾病的病原体。



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