首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Medical Journal >Effect of repeated invitations on uptake of colorectal cancer screening using faecal occult blood testing: analysis of prevalence and incidence screening

Effect of repeated invitations on uptake of colorectal cancer screening using faecal occult blood testing: analysis of prevalence and incidence screening




>Objective To analyse the effects of prevalence and incidence screening on uptake and detection of cancer in an ongoing, dynamic programme for colorectal screening using faecal occult blood testing.>Design Analysis of prevalence and incidence screening.>Setting Three rounds of biennial colorectal screening using the guaiac faecal occult blood test in east and north east Scotland, March 2000 to May 2007.>Participants Adults aged 50-69.>Main outcome measures Uptake of screening, test positivity (percentage of those invited who returned a test that was positive and triggered an invitation for colonoscopy), positive predictive value, and stage of cancer.>Results Of 510 990 screening episodes in all three rounds, 248 998 (48.7%) were for prevalence, 163 483 (32.0%) were for first incidence, and 98 509 (19.3%) were for second incidence. Uptake of a first invitation for prevalence screening was 53% and for a second and third invitation was 15% and 12%. In the cohort invited for the first round, uptake of prevalence screening rose from 55% in the first round to 63% in the third. The uptake of first incidence screening on a first invitation was 54% and on a second invitation was 86% and on a first invitation for second incidence screening was 46%. The positivity rate in prevalence screening was 1.9% and the uptake of colonoscopy was 87%. The corresponding values for a first incidence screen were 1.7% and 90% and for a second incidence screen were 1.1% and 94.5%. The positive predictive value of a positive faecal occult blood test result for cancer was 11.0% for prevalence screening, 6.5% for the first incidence screen, and 7.5% for the second incidence screen. The corresponding values for the positive predictive value for adenoma were 35.5%, 29.4%, and 26.7%. The proportion of cancers at stage I dropped from 46.5% for prevalence screening to 41% for first incidence screening and 35% for second incidence screening.>Conclusions Repeat invitations to those who do not take up the offer of screening increases the number of those who accept, for both prevalence screening and incidence screening. Although the positive predictive value for both cancer and adenomas fell between the prevalence screen and the first incidence screen, they did not fall between the first and second incidence screens. The deterioration in cancer stage from prevalence to incidence screening suggests that some cancers picked up at incidence screening may have been missed on prevalence screening, but the stage distribution is still favourable. These data vindicate the policies of continuing to offer screening to those who fail to participate and continuing to offer biennial screening to those who have accepted previous offers.
机译:>目的,通过粪便潜血测试,在一项正在进行的动态结肠直肠筛查程序中,分析患病率和发病率筛查对癌症摄取和检测的影响。>设计 > Setting (苏格兰),2000年3月至2007年5月在苏格兰东部和东北部使用愈创木脂粪便潜血试验进行三轮两年一次的结肠直肠癌筛查。>参与者 50-69岁的成年人。>主要结局指标:筛查的摄取率,测试阳性率(返回阳性且接受结肠镜检查的测试者的百分比),阳性预测值和癌症分期。>结果在所有三个回合的510-990次筛查中,第一次发病率为248-998(48.7%),第一次发病为163-483(32.0%),第二次为98-509(19.3%)。进行流行病筛查的第一个邀请的接受率为53%,第二个和第三个邀请的接受率为15%和12%。在第一轮邀请的队列中,流行性筛查的采用率从第一轮的55%上升到第三轮的63%。第一次邀请进行首次发病筛查的比例为54%,第二次邀请为86%,第一次邀请进行第二次筛查的人群为46%。患病率筛查的阳性率为1.9%,结肠镜检查的摄取率为87%。第一次入射筛查的相应值为1.7%和90%,第二次入射筛查的相应值为1.1%和94.5%。粪便潜血测试结果阳性的阳性预测值对于癌症筛查率为11.0%,对于首次发病筛查为6.5%,对于第二次筛查为7.5%。腺瘤阳性预测值的相应值为35.5%,29.4%和26.7%。第一阶段的癌症比例从患病率筛查的46.5%下降到首次发病率筛查的41%和第二次发病率筛查的35%。>结论对那些不参加筛查活动的人重复邀请增加患病率筛查和发病率筛查的接受者数量。尽管对癌症和腺瘤的阳性预测值都介于患病率筛查和首次发病率筛查之间,但它们并未介于第一次发病率和第二次发病率筛查之间。从患病率到发病率筛查的癌症阶段恶化表明,在患病率筛查中可能错过了一些在发病率筛查中拾取的癌症,但阶段分布仍然是有利的。这些数据证明了继续对未参加者进行筛查的政策,以及继续对接受先前提议的人进行两年一次筛查的政策。



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