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Additional perspectives on chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka – lessons learned from the WHO CKDu population prevalence study




The recent emergence of an apparently new form of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) has become a serious public health crisis in Sri Lanka. CKDu is slowly progressive, irreversible, and asymptomatic until late stages, and is not attributable to hypertension, diabetes, or other known aetiologies. In response to the scope and severity of the emerging CKDu health crisis, the Sri Lanka Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization initiated a collaborative research project from 2009 through 2012 to investigate CKDu prevalence and aetiology. The objective of this paper is to discuss the recently published findings of this investigation and present additional considerations and recommendations that may enhance subsequent investigations designed to identify and understand CKDu risk factors in Sri Lanka or other countries.
机译:最近出现的一种新形式的病因不明的慢性肾脏病(CKDu)已成为斯里兰卡的严重公共卫生危机。 CKDu缓慢进展,不可逆转且无症状直至晚期,并且不归因于高血压,糖尿病或其他已知病因。为了应对正在出现的CKDu健康危机的范围和严重性,斯里兰卡卫生部和世界卫生组织从2009年至2012年启动了一项合作研究项目,以调查CKDu的患病率和病因。本文的目的是讨论该调查最近发表的发现,并提出其他考虑因素和建议,以增强旨在识别和了解斯里兰卡或其他国家/地区CKDu危险因素的后续调查。



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