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Production of a Thermostable and Alkaline Chitinase by Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki Strain HBK-51




This paper reports the isolation and identification of chitinase-producing Bacillus from chitin-containing wastes, production of a thermostable and alkaline chitinasese, and enzyme characterization. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HBK-51 was isolated from soil and was identified. Chitinase was obtained from supernatant of B. thuringiensis HBK-51 strain and showed its optimum activity at 110°C and at pH 9.0. Following 3 hours of incubation period, the enzyme showed a high level of activity at 110°C (96% remaining activity) and between pH 9.0 and 12.0 (98% remaining activity). Considering these characteristics, the enzyme was described as hyperthermophile-thermostable and highly alkaline. Two bands of the enzyme weighing 50 and 125 kDa were obtained following 12% SDS-PAGE analyses. Among the metal ions and chemicals used, Ni2+ (32%), K+ (44%), and Cu2+ (56%) increased the enzyme activity while EDTA (7%), SDS (7%), Hg2+ (11%), and ethyl-acetimidate (20%) decreased the activity of the enzyme. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki HBK-51 is an important strain which can be used in several biotechnological applications as a chitinase producer.
机译:本文报道了从含有几丁质的废物中分离和鉴定产生几丁质酶的芽孢杆菌,生产热稳定的碱性几丁质多糖以及酶的表征。苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种。从土壤中分离出kurstaki HBK-51并进行了鉴定。几丁质酶是从苏云金芽胞杆菌HBK-51菌株的上清液中获得的,在110°C和pH 9.0时表现出最佳的活性。孵育3小时后,该酶在110°C(剩余活性96%)和pH 9.0至12.0(剩余活性98%)之间显示出高水平的活性。考虑到这些特性,该酶被描述为可高度嗜热的且高度碱性。经过12%SDS-PAGE分析后,获得了两条分别为50和125 50kDa的酶带。在使用的金属离子和化学物质中,Ni 2 + (32%),K + (44%)和Cu 2 + (56 %)增加了酶的活性,而EDTA(7%),SDS(7%),Hg 2 + (11%)和乙酰氨基乙酯(20%)降低了酶的活性。苏云金芽孢杆菌亚种。 kurstaki HBK-51是一种重要的菌株,可作为几丁质酶的生产者用于多种生物技术应用。



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