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Ontogeny of the vitellogenic response to oestradiol and of the soluble nuclear oestrogen receptor in embryonic-chick liver.




A specific high-affinity oestradiol-binding protein was characterized in salt extracts of liver nuclei of the developing chick embryo. It is present in very small amounts at day 10 of development and is marginally stimulated by oestradiol injection into the yolk sac on day 8. Injection of oestradiol on day 10 evokes a substantial increase in the nuclear oestradiol-binding activity measured on day 12 of development. This oestradiol-binding protein has properties of sedimentation, hormone specificity and high-affinity binding very similar to those of the soluble nuclear receptor in hatched chicks. Livers from the 12-day embryos injected 48 h earlier with oestradiol do not synthesize vitellogenin, as judged by a specific immunochemical and electrophoretic assay for this oestrogen-induced protein. Traces of vitellogenin synthesis can be induced in 13-day-embryo liver, and a substantial response, equivalent to that in hatched chicks, is seen in liver from 15-day embryos injected on day 13. The development of the ability of oestradiol to increase the concentration of the soluble nuclear receptor appears to be one, but not the only, critical factor involved in the development of the ability of chick liver to synthesize vitellogenin.
机译:在发育中的雏鸡胚胎肝核的盐提取物中表征了一种特异的高亲和性雌二醇结合蛋白。它在发育的第10天以少量存在,在第8天被雌二醇注入卵黄囊所刺激。在第10天注射雌二醇会引起在发育第12天测得的核雌二醇结合活性大大提高。 。该雌二醇结合蛋白具有沉淀,激素特异性和高亲和力结合的特性,与孵化雏鸡中的可溶性核受体非常相似。通过针对雌激素诱导的蛋白质的特异性免疫化学和电泳分析判断,在48小时前注射雌二醇的12天胚胎的肝脏不能合成卵黄蛋白原。在第13天的胚胎肝脏中可以诱导出卵黄蛋白原合成的痕迹,在第13天注射的15天胚胎的肝脏中可以看到与孵化的小鸡相当的卵黄蛋白原合成。雌二醇增加能力的发展可溶性核受体的浓度似乎是影响鸡肝合成卵黄蛋白原能力的一个关键因素,但不是唯一的关键因素。



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