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  • 刊频: Semiannual, 2014-
  • NLM标题: Anal Verbal Behav
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  • 机译 乔姆斯基-地方对应1993-1994
    摘要:Edited correspondence between Ullin T. Place and Noam Chomsky, which occurred in 1993–1994, is presented. The principal topics are (a) deep versus surface structure; (b) computer modeling of the brain; (c) the evolutionary origins of language; (d) behaviorism; and (e) a dispositional account of language. This correspondence includes Chomsky's denial that he ever characterized deep structure as innate; Chomsky's critique of computer modeling (both traditional and connectionist) of the brain; Place's critique of Chomsky's alleged failure to provide an adequate account of the evolutionary origins of language, and Chomsky's response that such accounts are “pop-Darwinian fairy tales”; and Place's arguments for, and Chomsky's against, the relevance of behaviorism to linguistic theory, especially the relevance of a behavioral approach to language that is buttressed by a dispositional account of sentence construction.
  • 机译 乔姆斯基的本土主义:批判性评论
    • 作者:David C. Palmer
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 2000年第期
  • 机译 重新考虑了乔姆斯基的本土主义
    • 作者:David C. Palmer
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 2000年第期
  • 机译 脱离认知主义:乔姆斯基第二次语言学革命的启示
    • 作者:Ted Schoneberger
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 2000年第期
    摘要:In 1957 Noam Chomsky published Syntactic Structures, expressing views characterized as constituting a “revolution” in linguistics. Chomsky proposed that the proper subject matter of linguistics is not the utterances of speakers, but what speakers and listeners know. To that end, he theorized that what they know is a system of rules that underlie actual performance. This theory became known as transformational grammar. In subsequent versions of this theory, rules continued to play a dominant role. However, in 1980 Chomsky began a second revolution by proposing the elimination of rules in a new theory: the principles-and-parameters approach. Subsequent writings finalized the abandonment of rules. Given the centrality of rules to cognitivism, this paper argues that Chomsky's second revolution constitutes a departure from cognitivism.
  • 机译 刺激-刺激配对程序对调节声带的作用
    摘要:Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of stimulus—stimulus pairing on conditioning vocal sounds as reinforcers. Four preschoolers with severe language and communication delays participated. In Experiment 1, an attempt was made to condition vocal sounds as a reinforcer by pairing a specific vocal sound with a reinforcing event (e.g., physical interaction). Results indicated that presentation of a stimulus—stimulus pairing was effective in conditioning the target vocal sounds as reinforcers, which increased the occurrence of vocalizations of those sounds by the participants. Experiment 2 compared the effects of the pairing procedure with those of echoic training. The pairing procedure was identical to that in Experiment 1. In the echoic training condition, the experimenter produced the target vocal sound and gave the participant an opportunity to echo. The same reinforcing stimulus (e.g., physical interaction) was provided contingent upon the occurrence of the target vocal sound emitted by the participant. Results showed that the pairing procedure was more effective than the echoic training. Findings from this study suggest that for these participants, who had no vocal imitation skills, the stimulus—stimulus pairing was an effective procedure for conditioning vocal sounds as reinforcers and increased the probability of occurrence of the vocalization without a direct reinforcement contingency.
  • 机译 使用言语提示为自闭症儿童建立机智
    摘要:Some children with autism have difficulty acquiring tacts, despite their ability to mand, echo words, and imitate actions. The current study focused on 2 nonvocal children who had acquired a few mands using sign language, but had repeatedly failed to acquire signed tacts. Two procedures were compared to determine the most effective approach for training tacts to these participants. One procedure (the standard condition) used the general verbal prompt “What is that?” The other procedure (the intraverbal condition) used a specific intraverbal prompt “Sign [spoken word].” The results showed that both participants acquired nonimitative verbal responses during the intraverbal condition but not during the standard condition. One participant demonstrated complete transfer to pure tacts, and the other participant showed a partial transfer to pure tacts. These results have implications for the design of language intervention programs for children with autism who have difficulty acquiring tacts.
  • 机译 言语举止和初次接触延迟补强
    摘要:Ten subjects responded under a tandem fixed-ratio 1 not-responding-greater-than-t schedule of point delivery during one 75-min session in which the delay was either 10 or 20 s. Subjects were asked to describe the contingencies throughout the session. Although studies with non-humans have demonstrated response acquisition under similar delayed-consequence procedures, a minority of subjects in the current study demonstrated sensitivity to delayed consequences convincingly. All subjects exhibited inefficient patterns of responding and descriptions of nonexistent contingencies. Subjects who demonstrated learning were more likely to verbalize the actual contingencies, but this was not true in all cases. Furthermore, some subjects who demonstrated learning did not describe the delay contingency. Results suggest that learning may occur in the absence of a person's ability to describe environment—behavior relations.
  • 机译 言语不是事物
    • 作者:J. Moore
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 2000年第期
    摘要:On a traditional view, words are the fundamental units of verbal behavior. They are independent, autonomous things that symbolically represent or refer to other independent, autonomous things, often in some other dimension. Ascertaining what those other things are constitutes determining the meaning of a word. On a behavior-analytic view, verbal behavior is ongoing, functional operant activity occasioned by antecedent factors and reinforced by its consequences, particularly consequences that are mediated by other members of the same verbal community. Functional relations rather than structure select the response unit. The behavior-analytic point of view clarifies such important contemporary issues in psychology as (a) the role of scientific theories and explanations, (b) educational practices, and (c) equivalence classes, so that there is no risk of strengthening the traditional view that words are things that symbolically represent other things.
  • 机译 在普通对话中对地方偶然性的偶然性解释
    • 作者:Sam Leigland
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 2000年第期
    摘要:A verbal phenomenon often reported in the research literature of conversation analysis is reviewed. The phenomenon involves the observation that spoken sentences often receive consequences from listeners, and that the effect of these consequences appears to be variability in sentence emission, whereas the absence of such consequences appears to produce response persistence. If the speaker's sentences function as units of verbal behavior and the listener's responses function as reinforcers, the effect seems to run contrary to reinforcement contingency effects observed in the laboratory, where reinforcement produces response differentiation and extinction produces an increase in response variability and a decrease in the response class previously selected by reinforcement. An interpretation of the conversation phenomenon is presented, employing standard reinforcement contingencies for which the behavioral dynamics involved may be seen when speaker's sequence of sentences is construed as a behavior chain.
  • 机译 《言语行为分析》的出版趋势:1982–1998年
    摘要:Every article published in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (TAVB) from its inception as a newsletter through 1998 was rated along several dimensions. Results indicated that the journal has grown substantially over time. Most articles (overall, 73%) published in TAVB did not describe experiments. The experiments that were described characteristically used within-subject designs and direct measures of behavior. They were conducted mostly by researchers in academic settings, using students as participants. Several authors have recently suggested that the journal should publish more experimental articles, covering a wider range of topics. The present results show that there is indeed room for more experimental articles, although they also underscore that the Journal has played, and continues to play, a major role as an outlet for both empirical and theoretical analyses of verbal behavior.
  • 机译 配备语言行为的实证分析
    摘要:Empirical articles in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior were inspected to evaluate the contributions of new and repeat investigators. The journal has attracted a steady stream of new empirical authors from early in its history. In recent years, repeat authors have begun to have a substantial impact on the journal. These outcomes suggest a maturing research community and provide cause for optimism about the future of empirical verbal behavior research.
  • 机译 缪斯女神:什么影响对言语行为的实证研究?
    摘要:To identify some of the published works that have helped to inspire empirical verbal behavior research, we searched for patterns in the sources cited in empirical studies published in The Analysis of Verbal Behavior between 1990 and 1999. Not unexpectedly, Skinner's (1957) Verbal Behavior was the most cited source, although a variety of more recent sources explicating verbal relations as conceptualized by Skinner also were frequently cited. About one third of the most frequently cited sources were fairly recent primary empirical papers. These outcomes suggest that scholars who are interested in a behavior-analytic approach to studying verbal behavior are beginning to generate a critical mass of work that renders Verbal Behavior no longer monolithic in its influence. Nevertheless, some aspects of the citation data could be interpreted as evidence of insularity, and we argue for the importance of a broad-based analysis of verbal behavior that can have substantial impact outside of behavior analysis.
  • 机译 社论
  • 机译 语法指导和流利训练对日语为母语的人学习和的影响
    摘要:In a computer-assisted sentence completion task, the effects of grammar instruction and fluency training on learning the use of the definite and indefinite articles of English were examined. Forty-eight native Japanese-speaking students were assigned to four groups: with grammar/accuracy (G/A), without grammar/accuracy (N/A), with grammar/fluency (G/F), and without grammar/fluency (N/F). In the G/A and N/A groups, training continued until performance reached 100% accuracy (accuracy criterion). In the G/F and N/F groups, training continued until 100% accuracy was reached and the correct responses were made at a high speed (fluency criterion). Grammar instruction was given to participants in the G/A and G/F groups but not to those in the N/A and N/F groups. Generalization to new sentences was tested immediately after reaching the required criterion. High levels of generalization occurred, regardless of the type of mastery criterion and whether the grammar instruction was given. Retention tests were conducted 4, 6, and 8 weeks after training. Fluency training effectively improved retention of the performance attained without the grammar instruction. This effect was diminished when grammar instruction was given during training. Learning grammatical rules was not necessary for the generalized use of appropriate definite and indefinite articles or for the maintenance of the performance attained through fluency training.
  • 机译 陈述意外事件刺激对儿童顺应性的影响
    摘要:The present investigation examined whether distinguishing between the discriminative and function-altering properties of contingency-specifying stimuli (CSS) is of heuristic value in conceptualizing child compliance. Groups of “compliant” and “noncompliant” children were instructed to place several blocks in a box. During half of the trials the children had an immediate opportunity to respond to the instruction (IOR), and during the other trials the children's opportunity to respond was delayed by 10 min (DOR). Results showed that 5 of the 8 children were more likely to comply in the IOR condition, whereas the 3 remaining children were equally compliant in IOR and DOR conditions. In addition, the study investigated the influence of condition presentation sequence on child compliance. Thus, half of the children entered the IOR condition first, and the other half entered the DOR condition first. Results showed no differences in compliance for 3 of 4 children in the IOR-first sequence. However, in the DOR-first sequence, all children, regardless of classification, were more compliant in IOR than in DOR conditions. Presentation order appeared to strongly influence compliance and could likely have affected the results of prior investigations.
  • 机译 使用手动训练在自闭症幼儿中建立回声库
    摘要:This research describes a method that initially establishes a mand repertoire as the first component in producing echoic and tact repertoires in young children with limited verbal repertoires. The subjects were 3 nonverbal children with autism, aged 2.5 to 3.5 years. The results indicated that establishing a mand repertoire as the starting point for echoic training produced the acquisition of an initial echoic repertoire in all 3 children within the first 10 sessions. Two of the children also began tacting during the same period. A mand repertoire was acquired by all subjects by the sixth session. Negative vocal behavior was rapidly reduced without the use of aversive contingencies by shaping inapproapriate vocalizations into acceptable vocal mands. Our discussion analyzes those contingencies that contribute to the effectiveness of the manding procedure and compares this procedure with the conventional vocal imitation model. We also discuss variables that may contribute to the long-term success of language training programs and describe strategies for preventing language delay in typical infants and children.
  • 机译 审查桑德伯格和帕丁顿对自闭症或其他发育障碍儿童的教学语言
    • 作者:Esther Shafer
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 1999年第期
  • 机译 呼吁提供有关口头行为研究的替代方法的教程
    • 作者:David C. Palmer
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 1999年第期
  • 机译 协议分析的其他一些注意事项
    • 作者:Bill Potter
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 1999年第期
  • 机译 第一语言传输中的顺序分析,多重控制刺激和时间模式
    • 作者:Ernst L. Moerk
    • 刊名:The Analysis of Verbal Behavior
    • 1999年第期
    摘要:Although inferences of causality from contingencies are problematic, as Hume argued, and are difficult to prove empirically, explanatory accounts of normal language acquisition and all remedial interventions rely on presumptions of environmental effectiveness. Careful sequential analyses of verbal behaviors can strongly corroborate dependencies by means of establishing either (a) contiguous contingencies or (b) topographical resemblances between antecedents and delayed consequences that could not be explained without assuming such dependencies. The promises, as well as the methodological and conceptual challenges, of such sequential analyses of verbal training and learning are exemplified on the basis of mother-child interactions. Concomitant variation over shorter and longer intervals, and immediate as well as lagged contingencies, are interpreted as indicators of dependency relationships. By focusing on behavioral evidence, extensive similarities or even homologies between first-language training and learning and basic behavioral principles established mostly through nonhuman research can be demonstrated. Nevertheless, expansions and innovations in the behavioral repertoire are suggested as conducive to mutual enrichment of the two fields of the experimental analysis of behavior and first-language acquisition.


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