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A rural outbreak of Legionnaires disease linked to visiting a retail store.




Between May 7 and June 7, 1986, 27 residents of a rural county in Maryland developed legionellosis, and two died. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was cultured from the sputum of two patients and identified in lung tissue of a third patient by direct fluorescent antibody staining. An additional 11 patients had four-fold rises in antibody titer to L. pneumophila, and 13 had single titers greater than or equal to 1:256. To determine risk factors for disease, we performed a case-control study. Twelve of 16 case-patients reported visiting store A in the two weeks before onset of illness compared with four of 28 control-patients. A serologic survey of employees showed that employees of store A were 3.63 times more likely than control employees to have titers of antibody to L. pneumophila greater than or equal to 1:256 (95% confidence intervals 0.8, 16.7). Cultures of soil specimens, samples of water from the hot water system of store A and from stagnant ponds near store A collected five weeks after the end of the outbreak were negative for Legionella species. Store A was adjacent to a site of excavation and construction during May 1986, when the community was experiencing an extended drought. This investigation suggests that exposure to excavation and construction activity may be a risk factor for legionellosis.
机译:在1986年5月7日至6月7日之间,马里兰州一个农村县的27名居民患了军团菌病,其中2人死亡。从两名患者的痰中培养嗜肺军团菌血清群1,并通过直接荧光抗体染色在第三名患者的肺组织中进行鉴定。另外11名患者的抗肺炎乳杆菌抗体滴度增加了4倍,而13名患者的单滴度大于或等于1:256。为了确定疾病的危险因素,我们进行了病例对照研究。 16位病例患者中有12位报告称在发病前两周访​​问了A店,而28位对照患者中有4位报告了该情况。对员工进行的血清学调查显示,A店员工的抗肺炎链球菌抗体效价大于或等于1:256的可能性是对照员工的3.63倍(95%置信区间0.8、16.7)。暴发结束后五周收集的土壤标本,A店热水系统和A店附近停滞池塘的水样培养的军团菌属阴性。 1986年5月,社区处于持续干旱状态,A商店毗邻挖掘和建筑工地。这项研究表明,接触挖掘和建筑活动可能是军团病的危险因素。



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