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  • 刊频: Twice monthly, Jan. 2012-
  • NLM标题: Am J Physiol Renal Physiol
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  • 机译 人肾小球的新型血液动力学结构
    摘要:To investigate human glomerular structure under conditions of physiological perfusion, we have analyzed fresh and perfusion-fixed normal human glomeruli at physiological hydrostatic and oncotic pressures using serial resin section reconstruction, confocal, multiphoton, and electron microscope imaging. Afferent and efferent arterioles (21.5 ± 1.2 µm and 15.9 ± 1.2 µm diameter), recognized from vascular origins, lead into previously undescribed wider regions (43.2 ± 2.8 µm and 38.4 ± 4.9 µm diameter) we have termed vascular chambers (VCs) embedded in the mesangium of the vascular pole. Afferent VC (AVC) volume was 1.6-fold greater than efferent VC (EVC) volume. From the AVC, long nonbranching high-capacity conduit vessels (n = 7) (Con; 15.9 ± 0.7 µm diameter) led to the glomerular edge, where branching was more frequent. Conduit vessels have fewer podocytes than filtration capillaries. VCs were confirmed in fixed and unfixed specimens with a layer of banded collagen identified in AVC walls by multiphoton and electron microscopy. Thirteen highly branched efferent first-order vessels (E1; 9.9 ± 0.4 µm diameter) converge on the EVC, draining into the efferent arteriole (15.9 ± 1.2 µm diameter). Banded collagen was scarce around EVCs. This previously undescribed branching topology does not conform to the branching of minimum energy expenditure (Murray’s law), suggesting that even distribution of pressure/flow to the filtration capillaries is more important than maintaining the minimum work required for blood flow. We propose that AVCs act as plenum manifolds possibly aided by vortical flow in distributing and balancing blood flow/pressure to conduit vessels supplying glomerular lobules. These major adaptations to glomerular capillary structure could regulate hemodynamic pressure and flow in human glomerular capillaries.
  • 机译 Trpc6基因敲除对糖尿病肾病进展的保护作用
    摘要:Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a chronic kidney pathology that leads to end-stage renal disease. Previous studies from our laboratory indicate that there is an association between the development of DKD and the transient receptor potential canonical 6 (TRPC6) channel. Trpc6 expression and activity were increased in the streptozotocin (STZ)-treated Dahl Salt-sensitive (Dahl SS) rat, an established model of type 1 diabetes. Here, using a Trpc6 knockout created on the Dahl SS rat background (SSTrpc6−/−), we test the hypothesis that the absence of Trpc6 will protect podocytes and kidney function during the development of DKD. Four groups of animals (control SSWT, SSTrpc6−/−, STZ-treated SSWT, and STZ-SSTrpc6−/−) were utilized in this study. Diabetes development was monitored for 11 wk after STZ injection with periodic weight, glucose, and urinary output measurements. There was an increase in albuminuria and glomerular injury following STZ treatment, which was not different between Dahl SS and SSTrpc6−/− groups. Western blot analysis revealed elevated levels of nephrin in urine samples of STZ-SSWT rats, which was higher compared with STZ-SSTrpc6−/− rats. Furthermore, pathological increases in basal [Ca2+]i levels and foot process damage of podocytes during the development of DKD was attenuated in the STZ-SSTrpc6−/− compared with STZ-SSWT rats. Overall, our data indicate that TRPC6 channel inhibition may have at least partial renoprotective effects, which could lead to the development of new pharmacological tools to treat or prevent the progression of DKD.
  • 机译 饮食中钾对肾脏钠转运蛋白的调节
    摘要:Changes in the expression of Na transport proteins were measured in the kidneys of mice with increased dietary K intake for 1 wk. The epithelial Na channel (ENaC) was upregulated, with enhanced expression of full-length and cleaved forms of α-ENaC and cleaved γ-ENaC. At the same time, the amount of the NaCl cotransporter NCC and its phosphorylated form decreased by ~50% and ~80%, respectively. The expression of the phosphorylated form of the Na-K-2Cl cotransporter NKCC2 also decreased, despite an increase in overall protein content. The effect was stronger in males (80%) than in females (40%). This implies that less Na+ is reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop and distal convoluted tubule along with Cl, whereas more is reabsorbed in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron in exchange for secreted K+. The abundance of the proximal tubule Na/H exchanger NHE3 decreased by ~40%, with similar effects in males and females. Time-course studies indicated that NCC and NHE3 proteins decreased progressively over 7 days on a high-K diet. Expression of mRNA encoding these proteins increased, implying that the decreased protein levels resulted from decreased rates of synthesis or increased rates of degradation. The potential importance of changes in NHE3, NKCC2, and NCC in promoting K+ excretion was assessed with a mathematical model. Simulations indicated that decreased NHE3 produced the largest effect. Regulation of proximal tubule Na+ transport may play a significant role in achieving K homeostasis.
  • 机译 铁转运蛋白在调节肾铁循环和缺血性急性肾损伤中的生理功能
    摘要:Renal iron recycling preserves filtered iron from urinary excretion. However, it remains debated whether ferroportin (FPN), the only known iron exporter, is functionally involved in renal iron recycling and whether renal iron recycling is required for systemic iron homeostasis. We deleted FPN in whole nephrons by use of a Nestin-Cre and in the distal nephrons and collecting ducts, using a Ksp-Cre, and investigated its impacts on renal iron recycling and systemic iron homeostasis. FPN deletion by Nestin-Cre, but not by Ksp-Cre, caused excess iron retention and increased ferritin heavy chain (FTH1) specifically in the proximal tubules and resulted in the reduction of serum and hepatic iron. The systemic iron redistribution was aggravated, resulting in anemia and the marked downregulation of hepatic hepcidin in elderly FPN knockout (KO)/Nestin-Cre mice. Similarly, in iron-deficient FPN KO/Nestin-Cre mice, the renal iron retention worsened anemia with the activation of the erythropoietin-erythroferrone-hepcidin pathway and the downregulation of hepatic hepcidin. Hence, FPN likely located at the basolateral membrane of the proximal tubules to export iron into the circulation and was required for renal iron recycling and systemic iron homeostasis particularly in elderly and iron-deficient mice. Moreover, FPN deletion in the proximal tubules alleviated ischemic acute kidney injury, possibly by upregulating FTH1 to limit catalytic iron and by priming antioxidant mechanisms, indicating that FPN could be deleterious in the pathophysiology of ischemic acute kidney injury (AKI) and thus may be a potential target for the prevention and mitigation of ischemic AKI.
  • 机译 肾脏疾病的炎症和炎症介质:间歇性缺氧加剧慢性肾脏病大鼠的血压升高
    摘要:Kidney injury and sleep apnea (SA) are independent risk factors for hypertension. Exposing rats to intermittent hypoxia (IH) to simulate SA increases blood pressure whereas adenine feeding causes persistent kidney damage to model chronic kidney disease (CKD). We hypothesized that exposing CKD rats to IH would exacerbate the development of hypertension and renal failure. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a 0.2% adenine diet or control diet (Control) until blood urea nitrogen was >120 mg/dl in adenine-fed rats (14 ± 4 days, mean ± SE). After 2 wk of recovery on normal chow, rats were exposed to IH (20 exposures/h of 5% O2-5% CO2 7 h/day) or control conditions (Air) for 6 wk. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was monitored with telemeters, and plasma and urine samples were collected weekly to calculate creatinine clearance as an index of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Prior to IH, adenine-fed rats had higher blood pressure than rats on control diet. IH treatment increased MAP in both groups, and after 6 wk, MAP levels in the CKD/IH rats were greater than those in the CKD/Air and Control/IH rats. MAP levels in the Control/Air rats were lower than those in the other three groups. Kidney histology revealed crystalline deposits, tubule dilation, and interstitial fibrosis in both CKD groups. IH caused no additional kidney damage. Plasma creatinine was similarly increased in both CKD groups throughout whereas IH alone increased plasma creatinine. IH increases blood pressure further in CKD rats without augmenting declines in GFR but appears to impair GFR in healthy rats. We speculate that treating SA might decrease hypertension development in CKD patients and protect renal function in SA patients.
  • 机译 Kir5.1调节远端肾单位中Nedd4-2介导的Kir4.1泛素化
    摘要:Kir4.1/5.1 heterotetramer participates in generating the negative cell membrane potential in distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and plays a critical role in determining the activity of Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC). Kir5.1 contains a phosphothreonine motif at its COOH terminus (AA249–252). Coimmunoprecipitation showed that Nedd4-2 was associated with Kir5.1 in HEK293 cells cotransfected with Kir5.1 or Kir4.1/Kir5.1. GST pull-down further confirmed the association between Nedd4-2 and Kir5.1. Ubiquitination assay showed that Nedd4-2 increased the ubiquitination of Kir4.1/Kir5.1 heterotetramer in the cells cotransfected with Kir4.1/Kir5.1, but it has no effect on Kir4.1 or Kir5.1 alone. Patch-clamp and Western blot also demonstrated that coexpression of Nedd4-2 but not Nedd4-1 decreased K currents and Kir4.1 expression in the cells cotransfected with Kir4.1 and Kir5.1. In contrast, Nedd4-2 fails to inhibit Kir4.1 in the absence of Kir5.1 or in the cells transfected with the inactivated form of Nedd4-2 (Nedd4-2C821A). Moreover, the mutation of TPVT motif in the COOH terminus of Kir5.1 largely abolished the association of Nedd4-2 with Kir5.1 and abolished the inhibitory effect of Nedd4-2 on K currents in HEK293 cells transfected with Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 mutant (Kir5.1T249A). Finally, the basolateral K conductance in the DCT and Kir4.1 expression is significantly increased in the kidney-specific Nedd4-2 knockout or in Kir5.1 knockout mice in comparison to their corresponding wild-type littermates. We conclude that Nedd4-2 binds to Kir5.1 at the phosphothreonine motif of the COOH terminus, and the association of Nedd4-2 with Kir5.1 facilitates the ubiquitination of Kir4.1, thereby regulating its plasma expression in the DCT.
  • 机译 NKA通过尿路上皮和逼尿肌的激活增强对膀胱的机械敏感性
    摘要:Tachykinins are expressed within bladder-innervating sensory afferents and have been shown to generate detrusor contraction and trigger micturition. The release of tachykinins from these sensory afferents may also activate tachykinin receptors on the urothelium or sensory afferents directly. Here, we investigated the direct and indirect influence of tachykinins on mechanosensation by recording sensory signaling from the bladder during distension, urothelial transmitter release ex vivo, and direct responses to neurokinin A (NKA) on isolated mouse urothelial cells and bladder-innervating DRG neurons. Bath application of NKA induced concentration-dependent increases in bladder-afferent firing and intravesical pressure that were attenuated by nifedipine and by the NK2 receptor antagonist (100 nM). Intravesical NKA significantly decreased bladder compliance but had no direct effect on mechanosensitivity to bladder distension (30 µl/min). alone enhanced bladder compliance but had no effect on mechanosensation. Intravesical NKA enhanced both the amplitude and frequency of bladder micromotions during distension, which induced significant transient increases in afferent firing, and were abolished by . NKA increased intracellular calcium levels in primary urothelial cells but not bladder-innervating DRG neurons. Urothelial ATP release during bladder distention was unchanged in the presence of NKA, whereas acetylcholine levels were reduced. NKA-mediated activation of urothelial cells and enhancement of bladder micromotions are novel mechanisms for NK2 receptor-mediated modulation of bladder mechanosensation. These results suggest that NKA influences bladder afferent activity indirectly via changes in detrusor contraction and urothelial mediator release. Direct actions on sensory nerves are unlikely to contribute to the effects of NKA.
  • 机译 在先天性和后天性尿路梗阻期间uroplakin斑块可促进肾脏结构完整性
    摘要:Urinary tract obstruction represents a common cause of kidney injury across the human life span, resulting in chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease. Yet, the extent of obstructive renal damage can be heterogeneous between individuals, implying the existence of unknown mechanisms that protect against or accelerate kidney injury. In this study, we investigated the role of urothelial remodeling in renal adaptation during congenital and acquired obstruction. In the Megabladder (Mgb−/−) model of congenital obstruction and unilateral ureteral ligation model of acute obstruction, progressive hydronephrosis is strongly associated with dynamic reorganization of the renal urothelium, which elaborates a continuous uroplakin (Upk) plaque. This led us to postulate that the Upk plaque prevents parenchymal injury during urinary tract obstruction. To test this hypothesis, we interbred Mgb−/− and Upk1b−/− mice, which lack the critical Upk1b subunit for Upk plaque formation. Upk1b−/−;Mgb−/− mice experienced an accelerated onset of bilateral hydronephrosis with severe (>67%) parenchymal loss, leading to renal failure and mortality in adolescence. To investigate the function of the renal Upk plaque during acute obstruction, we destabilized the Upk plaque by Upk1b deletion or genetically depleted Upk+ cells following unilateral ureteral obstruction. Both of these strategies accelerated renal parenchymal loss following ureteral ligation, attesting to a conserved, stabilizing role for Upk plaque deposition in the acutely obstructed kidney. In aggregate, these complementary experiments provide the first evidence that the Upk plaque confers an essential, protective adaptation to preserve renal parenchymal integrity during congenital and acquired urinary tract obstruction.
  • 机译 肾纤维化的机制和治疗:脂联素减轻醋酸脱氧皮质酮盐和血管紧张素II诱导的CKD小鼠的肾脏损伤和纤维化
    摘要:Adiponectin (ApN) is a multifunctional adipokine. However, high, rather than low, concentrations of ApN are unexpectedly found in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) via an as yet unknown mechanism, and the role of ApN in CKD is unclear. Herein, we investigated the effect of ApN overexpression on progressive renal injury resulting from deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt (DOCA) and angiotensin II (ANG II) infusion using a transgenic, inducible ApN-overexpressing mouse model. Three groups of mice [wild type receiving no infusion (WT) and WT and cytochrome P450 1a1 (cyp1a1)-ApN transgenic mice (ApN-Tg) receiving DOCA+ANG II infusion (WT/DOCA+ANG II and ApN-Tg/DOCA+ANG II)] were assigned to receive normal food containing 0.15% of the transgene inducer indole-3-carbinol (I3C) for 3 wk. In the I3C-induced ApN-Tg/DOCA+ANG II mice, not the WT or WT/DOCA+ANG II mice, overexpression of ApN in liver resulted in 3.15-fold increases in circulating ApN compared with nontransgenic controls. Of note, the transgenic mice receiving DOCA+ANG II infusion were still hypertensive but had much less albuminuria and glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis, which were associated with ameliorated podocyte injury determined by ameliorated podocyte loss and foot process effacement, and alleviated tubular injury determined by ameliorated mRNA overexpression of kidney injury molecule-1 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and mRNA decreases of cubilin and megalin in tubular cells, compared with WT/DOCA+ANG II mice. In addition, renal production of NF-κB-p65, NAPDH oxidase 2, and p47phox and MAPK-related cellular proliferation, which were induced in WT/DOCA+ANG II mice, were markedly reduced in ApN-Tg/DOCA+ANG II mice. These results indicate that elevated ApN in the CKD mouse model is renal protective. Enhancing ApN production or signaling may have therapeutic potential for CKD.
  • 机译 通过慢性内皮素A受体阻断剂预防具有先天性肾脏疾病的糖尿病啮齿动物模型的肾脏损伤进展
    摘要:The endothelin (ET) system has emerged as a therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy (DN). The present study examined whether chronic endothelin A (ETA) receptor blockade with atrasentan prevents the progression of renal injury in two models of DN with preexisting renal disease that exhibit an increased renal ET-1 system compared with nondiabetic rats: streptozotocin-treated Dahl salt-sensitive (STZ-SS) and type 2 diabetic nephropathy (T2DN) rats. Nine week-old SS rats were treated with (STZ; 50 mg/kg ip) to induce diabetes. After 3 wk of diabetes, proteinuria increased to 353 ± 34 mg/day. The rats were then separated into two groups: 1) vehicle and 2) atrasentan (5 mg·kg−1·day−1) via drinking water. After 6 wk of treatment with atrasentan, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and proteinuria decreased by 12 and 40%, respectively, in STZ-SS rats. The degree of glomerulosclerosis and renal fibrosis was significantly reduced in the kidneys of atrasentan-treated STZ-SS rats compared with vehicle STZ-SS rats. Interestingly, treatment with atrasentan did not affect GFR but significantly increased renal blood flow by 33% and prevented the elevations in filtration fraction and renal vascular resistance by 23 and 20%, respectively, in STZ-SS rats. In contrast to the STZ-SS study, atrasentan had no effect on MAP or proteinuria in T2DN rats. However, treatment with atrasentan significantly decreased glomerular injury and renal fibrosis and prevented the decline in renal function in T2DN rats. These data indicate that chronic ETA blockade produces advantageous changes in renal hemodynamics that slow the progression of renal disease and also reduces renal histopathology in the absence of reducing arterial pressure and proteinuria.
  • 机译 通过肾上腺髓质输注脂肪酸酰胺水解酶的选择性抑制剂来调节平均动脉压和利尿
    摘要:The kidneys contribute to the control of body fluid and electrolytes and the long-term regulation of blood pressure through various systems, including the endocannabinoid system. Previously, we showed that inhibition of the two major endocannabinoid-hydrolyzing enzymes, fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacylglycerol lipase, in the renal medulla increased the rate of urine excretion (UV) and salt excretion without affecting mean arterial pressure (MAP). The present study evaluated the effects of a selective FAAH inhibitor, N-3-pyridinyl-4-[[3-[[5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridinyl]oxy]phenyl]methyl]-1-piperidine carboxamide (PF-3845) on MAP and renal functions. Infusion of PF-3845 into the renal medulla of C57BL/6J mice reduced MAP during the posttreatment phases and increased UV at 15 and 30 nmol/min per gram kidney weight (g kwt), relative to the pretreatment control phase. Intravenous PF-3845 administration reduced MAP at the 7.5, 15, and 30 doses and increased UV at the 15 and 30 nmol⋅min−1⋅g−1 kwt doses. PF-3845 treatment elevated sodium and potassium urinary excretion and medullary blood flow. Homozygous FAAH knockout mice were refractory to intramedullary PF-3845-induced changes in MAP, but UV was increased. Both MAP and UV responses to intramedullary PF-3845 in C57BL/6J mice were diminished by pretreatment with the cannabinoid type 1 receptor-selective antagonist, rimonabant (3 mg/kg, ip) but not the cyclooxygenase 2-selective inhibitor, celecoxib (15 mg/kg, iv). Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analyses showed increased anandamide in kidney tissue and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol in plasma after intramedullary PF-3845. These data suggest that inhibition of FAAH in the renal medulla leads to both a diuretic and blood pressure-lowering response mediated by elevated anandamide in kidney tissue or 2-arachidonoyl glycerol in plasma.
  • 机译 肾脏特异性WNK1亚型(KS-WNK1)是WNK4和NCC的有效激活剂
    摘要:Familial hyperkalemic hypertension (FHHt) can be mainly attributed to increased activity of the renal Na+:Cl cotransporter (NCC), which is caused by altered expression and regulation of the with-no-lysine (K) 1 (WNK1) or WNK4 kinases. The WNK1 gene gives rise to a kidney-specific isoform that lacks the kinase domain (KS-WNK1), the expression of which occurs primarily in the distal convoluted tubule. The role played by KS-WNK1 in the modulation of the WNK/STE20-proline-alanine rich kinase (SPAK)/NCC pathway remains elusive. In the present study, we assessed the effect of human KS-WNK1 on NCC activity and on the WNK4-SPAK pathway. Microinjection of oocytes with human KS-WNK1 cRNA induces remarkable activation and phosphorylation of SPAK and NCC. The effect of KS-WNK1 was abrogated by eliminating a WNK-WNK-interacting domain and by a specific WNK inhibitor, WNK463, indicating that the activation of SPAK/NCC by KS-WNK1 is due to interaction with another WNK kinase. Under control conditions in oocytes, the activating serine 335 of the WNK4 T loop is not phosphorylated. In contrast, this serine becomes phosphorylated when the intracellular chloride concentration ([Cl]i) is reduced or when KS-WNK1 is coexpressed with WNK4. KS-WNK1-mediated activation of WNK4 is not due to a decrease of the [Cl]i. Coimmunoprecipitation analysis revealed that KS-WNK1 and WNK4 interact with each other and that WNK4 becomes autophosphorylated at serine 335 when it is associated with KS-WNK1. Together, these observations suggest that WNK4 becomes active in the presence of KS-WNK1, despite a constant [Cl]i.
  • 机译 单肾和双肾移植小鼠模型中的移植功能评估
    摘要:Animal models of kidney transplantation (KTX) are widely used in studying immune response of hosts to implanted grafts. Additionally, KTX can be used in generating kidney-specific knockout animal models by transplantation of kidneys from donors with global knockout of a gene to wild-type recipients or vice versa. Dual-kidney transplantation (DKT) provides a more physiological environment for recipients than single-kidney transplantation (SKT). However, DKT in mice is rare due to technical challenges. In this study, we successfully performed DKT in mice and compared the hemodynamic response and graft function with SKT. The surgical time, complications, and survival rate of DKT were not significantly different from SKT, where survival rates were above 85%. Mice with DKT showed less injury and quicker recovery with lower plasma creatinine (Pcr) and higher glomerular filtration rate (GFR) than SKT mice (Pcr = 0.34 and 0.17 mg/dl in DKT vs. 0.50 and 0.36 mg/dl in SKT at 1 and 3 days, respectively; GFR = 215 and 131 µl/min for DKT and SKT, respectively). In addition, the DKT exhibited better renal functional reserve and long-term outcome of renal graft function than SKT based on the response to acute volume expansion. In conclusion, we have successfully generated a mouse DKT model. The hemodynamic responses of DKT better mimic physiological situations with less kidney injury and better recovery than SKT because of reduced confounding factors such as single nephron hyperfiltration. We anticipate DKT in mice will provide an additional tool for evaluation of renal significance in physiology and disease.
  • 机译 中性粒细胞胞吐作用在实验性肾小球肾炎中诱导足细胞的细胞骨架重组和蛋白尿
    摘要:Acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by rapid glomerular neutrophil recruitment, proteinuria, and glomerular hypercellularity. The current study tested the hypothesis that the release of neutrophil granule contents plays a role in both the loss of filtration barrier leading to proteinuria and the increase in glomerular cells. Inhibition of neutrophil exocytosis with a peptide inhibitor prevented proteinuria and attenuated podocyte and endothelial cell injury but had no effect on glomerular hypercellularity in an experimental acute glomerulonephritis model in mice. Cultivation of podocytes with neutrophil granule contents disrupted cytoskeletal organization, an in vitro model for podocyte effacement and loss of filtration barrier. Activated, cultured podocytes released cytokines that stimulated neutrophil chemotaxis, primed respiratory burst activity, and stimulated neutrophil exocytosis. We conclude that crosstalk between podocytes and neutrophils contributes to disruption of the glomerular filtration barrier in acute glomerulonephritis. Neutrophil granule products induce podocyte injury but do not participate in the proliferative response of intrinsic glomerular cells.
  • 机译 肾脏健康和功能中的性别和性别:男女肾脏中肾脏氨代谢的差异
    摘要:Renal ammonia metabolism has a major role in the maintenance of acid-base homeostasis. Sex differences are well recognized as an important biological variable in many aspects of renal function, including fluid and electrolyte metabolism. However, sex differences in renal ammonia metabolism have not been previously reported. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to investigate sex differences in renal ammonia metabolism. We studied 4-mo-old wild-type C57BL/6 mice fed a normal diet. Despite similar levels of food intake, and, thus, protein intake, which is the primary determinant of endogenous acid production, female mice excreted greater amounts of ammonia, but not titratable acids, than did male mice. This difference in ammonia metabolism was associated with fundamental structural differences between the female and male kidney. In the female mouse kidney, proximal tubules account for a lower percentage of the renal cortical parenchyma compared with the male kidney, whereas collecting ducts account for a greater percentage of the renal parenchyma than in male kidneys. To further investigate the mechanism(s) behind the greater ammonia excretion in female mice, we examined differences in the expression of proteins involved in renal ammonia metabolism and transport. Greater basal ammonia excretion in females was associated with greater expression of PEPCK, glutamine synthetase, NKCC2, Rhbg, and Rhcg than was observed in male mice. We conclude that there are sex differences in basal ammonia metabolism that involve both renal structural differences and differences in expression of proteins involved in ammonia metabolism.
  • 机译 BET蛋白抑制剂JQ1对顺铂诱导的肾毒性的保护作用
    摘要:As a potent chemotherapy drug, cisplatin is also notorious for its side-effects including nephrotoxicity in kidneys, presenting a pressing need to identify renoprotective agents. Cisplatin nephrotoxicity involves epigenetic regulations, including changes in histone acetylation. Bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) proteins are “readers” of the epigenetic code of histone acetylation. Here, we investigated the potential renoprotective effects of JQ1, a small molecule inhibitor of BET proteins. We show that JQ1 significantly ameliorated cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice as indicated by the measurements of kidney function, histopathology, and renal tubular apoptosis. JQ1 also partially prevented the body weight loss during cisplatin treatment in mice. Consistently, JQ1 inhibited cisplatin-induced apoptosis in renal proximal tubular cells. Mechanistically, JQ1 suppressed cisplatin-induced phosphorylation or activation of p53 and Chk2, key events in DNA damage response. JQ1 also attenuated cisplatin-induced MAP kinase (p38, ERK1/2, and JNK) activation. In addition, JQ1 enhanced the expression of antioxidant genes including nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 and heme oxygenase-1, while diminishing the expression of the nitrosative protein inducible nitric oxide synthase. JQ1 did not suppress cisplatin-induced apoptosis in A549 nonsmall cell lung cancer cells and AGS gastric cancer cells. These results suggest that JQ1 may protect against cisplatin nephrotoxicity by suppressing DNA damage response, p53, MAP kinases, and oxidativeitrosative stress pathways.
  • 机译 肾脏疾病的炎症和炎性介质:整体性骨桥蛋白和巨噬细胞骨桥蛋白在肾小球损伤中的不同作用
    摘要:Osteopontin (OPN) is a pro-and anti-inflammatory molecule that simultaneously attenuates oxidative stress. Both inflammation and oxidative stress play a role in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis and in the progression of kidney injury. Importantly, OPN is highly induced in nephritic kidneys. To characterize further the role of OPN in kidney injury we used OPN−/− mice in antiglomerular basement membrane reactive serum-induced immune (NTS) nephritis, an inflammatory and progressive model of kidney disease. Normal wild-type (WT) and OPN−/− mice did not show histological differences. However, nephritic kidneys from OPN−/− mice showed severe damage compared with WT mice. Glomerular proliferation, necrotizing lesions, crescent formation, and tubulointerstitial injury were significantly higher in OPN−/− mice. Macrophage infiltration was increased in the glomeruli and interstitium in OPN−/− mice, with higher expression of IL-6, CCL2, and chemokine CXCL1. In addition, collagen (Col) I, Col III, and Col IV deposition were increased in kidneys from OPN−/− mice. Elevated expression of the reactive oxygen species-generating enzyme Nox4 and blunted expression of Nrf2, a molecule that inhibits reactive oxygen species and inflammatory pathways, was observed in nephritic kidneys from OPN−/− mice. Notably, CD11b diphteria toxin receptor mice with NTS nephritis selectively depleted of macrophages and reconstituted with OPN−/− macrophages showed less kidney injury compared with mice receiving WT macrophages. These findings suggest that in global OPN−/− mice there is increased inflammation and redox imbalance that mediate kidney damage. However, absence of macrophage OPN is protective, indicating that macrophage OPN plays a role in the induction and progression of kidney injury in NTS nephritis.
  • 机译 叶酸结合雷帕霉素与未结合雷帕霉素在多囊肾疾病的直系同源小鼠模型中的比较
    摘要:Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a very common genetic disease leading to renal failure. Numerous aberrantly regulated signaling pathways have been identified as promising molecular drug targets for ADPKD therapy. In rodent models, many small-molecule drugs against such targets have proven effective in reducing renal cyst growth. For example, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition with rapamycin greatly ameliorates renal cystic disease in several rodent models. However, clinical trials with mTOR inhibitors were disappointing largely due to the intolerable extrarenal side effects during long-term treatment with these drugs. Most other potential drug targets in ADPKD are also widely expressed in extrarenal tissues, which makes it likely that untargeted therapies with small-molecule inhibitors against such targets will lead to systemic adverse effects during the necessary long-term treatment of years and decades in ADPKD patients. To overcome this problem, we previously demonstrated that folate-conjugated rapamycin (FC-rapa) targets polycystic kidneys due to the high expression of the folate receptor (FRα) and that treatment of a nonortholgous PKD mouse model leads to inhibition of renal cyst growth. Here we show, in a head-to-head comparison with unconjugated rapamycin, that FCrapa inhibits renal cyst growth, mTOR activation, cell cycling, and fibrosis in an orthologous Pkd1 mouse model. Both unconjugated rapamycin and FC-rapa are similarly effective on polycystic kidneys in this model. However, FC-rapa lacks the extrarenal effects of unconjugated rapamycin, in particular immunosuppressive effects. We conclude that folate-conjugation is a promising avenue for increasing the tissue specificity of small-molecule compounds to facilitate very long-term treatment in ADPKD.
  • 机译 猪慢性肾脏疾病的转化模型
    摘要:Animal models of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are critical for understanding its pathophysiology and for therapeutic development. The cardiovascular and renal anatomy and physiology of the pig are virtually identical to humans. This study aimed to develop a novel translational model of CKD that mimics the pathological features of CKD in humans. CKD was induced in seven domestic pigs by bilateral renal artery stenosis and diet-induced dyslipidemia. Animals were observed for a total of 14 wk. Renal hemodynamics and function were quantified in vivo using multi-detector CT after 6, 10, and 14 wk of CKD. Urine and blood were collected at each time-point, and blood pressure was continuously measured (telemetry). After completion of in vivo studies, pigs were euthanized, kidneys were removed, and microvascular (MV) architecture (μCT), markers of renal injury, inflammation, and fibrosis were evaluated ex vivo. Additional pigs were used as controls (n = 7). Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration were reduced by 50% in CKD, accompanied by hypertension and elevated plasma creatinine, albumin-to-creatinine ratio and increased urinary KIM-1 and NGAL, suggesting renal injury. Furthermore, 14 wk of CKD resulted in cortical and medullary MV remodeling and loss, inflammation, glomerulosclerosis, tubular atrophy, and tubule-interstitial fibrosis compared with controls. The current study characterizes a novel model of CKD that mimics several of the pathological features observed in human CKD, irrespective of the etiology. Current approaches only slow rather than halt CKD progression, and this novel model may offer a suitable platform for the development of new treatments in a translational fashion.
  • 机译 肾小管运输的分子机制:NADPH氧化酶4衍生的超氧化物介导了厚肢上升流中经流量刺激的NKCC2活性。
    摘要:Luminal flow augments Na+ reabsorption in the thick ascending limb more than can be explained by increased ion delivery. This segment reabsorbs 30% of the filtered load of Na+, playing a key role in its homeostasis. Whether flow elevations enhance Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter (NKCC2) activity and the second messenger involved are unknown. We hypothesized that raising luminal flow augments NKCC2 activity by enhancing superoxide (O2) production by NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4). NKCC2 activity was measured in thick ascending limbs perfused at either 5 or 20 nl/min with and without inhibitors of O2 production. Raising luminal flow from 5 to 20 nl/min enhanced NKCC2 activity from 4.8 ± 0.9 to 6.3 ± 1.2 arbitrary fluorescent units (AFU)/s. Maintaining flow at 5 nl/min did not alter NKCC2 activity. The superoxide dismutase mimetic manganese (III) tetrakis (4-benzoic acid) porphyrin chloride blunted NKCC2 activity from 3.5 ± 0.4 to 2.5 ± 0.2 AFU/s when flow was 20 nl/min but not 5 nl/min. When flow was 20 nl/min, NKCC2 activity showed no change with time. The selective NOX1/4 inhibitor GKT-137831 blunted NKCC2 activity when thick ascending limbs were perfused at 20 nl/min from 7.2 ± 1.1 to 4.5 ± 0.8 AFU/s but not at 5 nl/min. The inhibitor also prevented luminal flow from elevating O2 production. Allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, had no effect on NKCC2 activity when flow was 20 nl/min. Tetanus toxin prevents flow-induced stimulation of NKCC2 activity. We conclude that elevations in luminal flow enhance NaCl reabsorption in thick ascending limbs by stimulating NKCC2 via NOX4 activation and increased O2. NKCC2 activation is primarily the result of insertion of new transporters in the membrane.


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