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  • 刊频: Twice monthly, Jan. 2012-
  • NLM标题: Am J Physiol Renal Physiol
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  • 机译 血清肌酐非线性高:是肾脏的生命体征吗?
    摘要:Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have nonlinear serum creatinine concentration (SC) trajectories, especially as CKD progresses. Variability in SC is associated with renal failure and death. However, present methods for measuring SC variability are unsatisfactory because they blend information about SC slope and variance. We propose an improved method for defining and calculating a patient's SC slope and variance so that they are mathematically distinct, and we test these methods in a large sample of US veterans, examining the correlation of SC slope and SC nonlinearity (SCNL) and the association of SCNL with time to stage 4 CKD (CKD4) and death. We found a strong correlation between SCNL and rate of CKD progression, time to CKD4, and time to death, even in patients with normal renal function. We therefore argue that SCNL may be a measure of renal autoregulatory dysfunction that provides an early warning sign for CKD progression.
  • 机译 近端肾小管是肾脏疾病和进展的主要靶标:肾小球-肾小管连接的作用
    • 作者:Robert L. Chevalier
    • 刊名:American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
    • -1年第1期
    摘要:There is an alarming global increase in the incidence of end-stage kidney disease, for which early biomarkers and effective treatment options are lacking. Largely based on the histology of the end-stage kidney and on the model of unilateral ureteral obstruction, current investigation is focused on the pathogenesis of renal interstitial fibrosis as a central mechanism in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is now recognized that cumulative episodes of acute kidney injury (AKI) can lead to CKD, and, conversely, CKD is a risk factor for AKI. Based on recent and historic studies, this review shifts attention from the glomerulus and interstitium to the proximal tubule as the primary sensor and effector in the progression of CKD as well as AKI. Packed with mitochondria and dependent on oxidative phosphorylation, the proximal tubule is particularly vulnerable to injury (obstructive, ischemic, hypoxic, oxidative, metabolic), resulting in cell death and ultimately in the formation of atubular glomeruli. Animal models of human glomerular and tubular disorders have provided evidence for a broad repertoire of morphological and functional responses of the proximal tubule, revealing processes of degeneration and repair that may lead to new therapeutic strategies. Most promising are studies that encompass the entire life cycle from fetus to senescence, recognizing epigenetic factors. The application of techniques in molecular characterization of tubule segments and the development of human kidney organoids may provide new insights into the mammalian kidney subjected to stress or injury, leading to biomarkers of early CKD and new therapies.
  • 机译 热休克因子1诱导crystallin-αB保护免受顺铂肾毒性
    摘要:Cisplatin, a wildly used chemotherapy drug, induces nephrotoxicity that is characterized by renal tubular cell apoptosis. In response to toxicity, tubular cells can activate cytoprotective mechanisms, such as the heat shock response. However, the role and regulation of the heat shock response in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity remain largely unclear. In the present study, we demonstrated the induction of heat shock factor (Hsf)1 and the small heat shock protein crystallin-αB (CryAB) during cisplatin nephrotoxicity in mice. Consistently, cisplatin induced Hsf1 and CryAB in a cultured renal proximal tubular cells (RPTCs). RPTCs underwent apoptosis during cisplatin treatment, which was increased when Hsf1 was knocked down. Transfection or restoration of Hsf1 into Hsf1 knockdown cells suppressed cisplatin-induced apoptosis, further supporting a cytoprotective role of Hsf1 and its associated heat shock response. Moreover, Hsf1 knockdown increased Bax translocation to mitochondria and cytochrome c release into the cytosol. In RPTCs, Hsf1 knockdown led to a specific downregulation of CryAB. Transfection of CryAB into Hsf1 knockdown cells diminished their sensitivity to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, suggesting that CryAB may be a key mediator of the cytoprotective effect of Hsf1. Taken together, these results demonstrate a heat shock response in cisplatin nephrotoxicity that is mediated by Hsf1 and CryAB to protect tubular cells against apoptosis.
  • 机译 肾血流量自动调节:一氧化氮或超氧化物调节肌原性反应的作用是什么?
    • 作者:John D. Imig
    • 刊名:American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
    • -1年第10期
  • 机译 肾小球疾病引起的慢性肾脏疾病的新型治疗方法
    摘要:Improved understanding of glomerular disease mechanisms over the past decade has led to the emergence of new and targeted therapeutic strategies for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most promising among these are the administration of recombinant mutated human angiopoietin-like 4, sialic acid-related sugars that induce sialylation in vivo, compounds related to Bis-T-23, and immune depletion of the soluble urokinase receptor from the circulation. Taking these therapeutic strategies into clinical trials will be the first step away from repurposed and relatively toxic drugs currently used for treating kidney disease.
  • 机译 lin相关性全身纤维化的病理生理学
    摘要:Systemic fibrosis from gadolinium-based magnetic resonance imaging contrast is a scourge for the afflicted. Although gadolinium-associated systemic fibrosis is a rare condition, the threat of litigation has vastly altered clinical practice. Most theories concerning the etiology of the fibrosis are grounded in case reports rather than experiment. This has led to the widely accepted conjecture that the relative affinity of certain contrast agents for the gadolinium ion inversely correlates with the risk of succumbing to the disease. How gadolinium-containing contrast agents trigger widespread and site-specific systemic fibrosis and how chronicity is maintained are largely unknown. This review highlights experimentally-derived information from our laboratory and others that pertain to our understanding of the pathophysiology of gadolinium-associated systemic fibrosis.
  • 机译 我们需要了解锂对锂的影响肾
    摘要:Lithium has been a valuable treatment for bipolar affective disorders for decades. Clinical use of lithium, however, has been problematic due to its narrow therapeutic index and concerns for its toxicity in various organ systems. Renal side effects associated with lithium include polyuria, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, proteinuria, distal renal tubular acidosis, and reduction in glomerular filtration rate. Histologically, chronic lithium nephrotoxicity is characterized by interstitial nephritis with microcyst formation and occasional focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Nevertheless, this type of toxicity is uncommon, with the strongest risk factors being high serum levels of lithium and longer time on lithium therapy. In contrast, in experimental models of acute kidney injury and glomerular disease, lithium has antiproteinuric, kidney protective, and reparative effects. This paradox may be partially explained by lower lithium doses and short duration of therapy. While long-term exposure to higher psychiatric doses of lithium may be nephrotoxic, short-term low dose of lithium may be beneficial and ameliorate kidney and podocyte injury. Mechanistically, lithium targets glycogen synthase kinase-3β, a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine protein kinase implicated in theprocesses of tissue injury, repair, and regeneration in multiple organ systems,including the kidney. Future studies are warranted to discover the exact“kidney-protective dose” of lithium and test the effects oflow-dose lithium on acute and chronic kidney disease in humans.
  • 机译 Kir4.1(Kcnj10)在哺乳动物肾脏中的表达调控和功能
    摘要:Kir4.1 is an inwardly rectifying potassium (K+) channel and is expressed in the brain, inner ear, and kidney. In the kidney, Kir4.1 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of the late thick ascending limb (TAL), the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), and the connecting tubule (CNT)/cortical collecting duct (CCD). It plays a role in K+ recycling across the basolateral membrane in corresponding nephron segments and in generating negative membrane potential. The renal phenotypes of the loss-function mutations of Kir4.1 include mild salt wasting, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis, suggesting that the disruption of Kir4.1 mainly impairs the transport in the DCT. Patch-clamp experiments and immunostaining demonstrate that Kir4.1 plays a predominant role in determining the basolateral K+ conductance in the DCT. However, the function of Kir4.1 in the TAL and CNT/CCD is not essential, because K+ channels other than Kir4.1 are also expressed. The downregulation of Kir4.1 in the DCT reduced basolateral chloride (Cl) conductance, suppressed the expression of ste20 proline-alanine-rich kinase (SPAK), and decreased Na-Cl cotransporter (NCC) expression and activity. This suggests that Kir4.1 regulates NCC expression by the modulation of the Cl-sensitive with-no-lysine kinase–SPAK pathway.
  • 机译 足细胞是治疗肾小球疾病的直接靶点吗?
    摘要:The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates more than 10% of adults in the United States, over 20 million Americans, have chronic kidney disease (CKD). A failure to maintain the glomerular filtration barrier directly contributes to the onset of CKD. The visceral epithelial cells, podocytes, are integral to the maintenance of this renal filtration barrier. Direct podocyte injury contributes to the onset and progression of glomerular diseases such as minimal change disease (MCD), focal segmental glomerular sclerosis (FSGS), diabetic nephropathy, and HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN). Since podocytes are terminally differentiated with minimal capacity to self-replicate, they are extremely sensitive to cellular injury. In the past two decades, our understanding of the mechanism(s) by which podocyte injury occurs has greatly expanded. With this newfound knowledge, therapeutic strategies have shifted to identifying targets directed specifically at the podocyte. Although the systemic effects of these agents are important, their direct effect on the podocyte proves to be essential in ameliorating glomerular disease. In this review, we highlight the mechanisms by which these agents directly target the podocyte independent of its systemic effects.
  • 机译 COX-2在单侧输尿管梗阻中的作用:什么是新的?
  • 机译 实验性FSGS中足细胞的部分补充来自非足细胞来源
    摘要:The current studies used genetic fate mapping to prove that adult podocytes can be partially replenished following depletion. Inducible NPHS2-rtTA/tetO-Cre/RS-ZsGreen-R reporter mice were generated to permanently label podocytes with the ZsGreen reporter. Experimental focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) was induced with a cytotoxic podocyte antibody. On FSGS day 7, immunostaining for the podocyte markers p57, synaptopodin, and podocin were markedly decreased by 44%, and this was accompanied by a decrease in ZsGreen fluorescence. The nuclear stain DAPI was absent in segments of reduced ZsGreen and podocyte marker staining, which is consistent with podocyte depletion. Staining for p57, synaptopodin, podocin, and DAPI increased at FSGS day 28 and was augmented by the ACE inhibitor enalapril, which is consistent with a partial replenishment of podocytes. In contrast, ZsGreen fluorescence did not return and remained significantly low at day 28, indicating replenishment was from a nonpodocyte origin. Despite administration of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) thrice weekly throughout the course of disease, BrdU staining was not detected in podocytes, which is consistent with an absence of proliferation. Although ZsGreen reporting was reduced in the tuft at FSGS day 28, labeled podocytes were detected along the Bowman's capsule in a subset of glomeruli, which is consistent with migration from the tuft. Moreover, more than half of the migrated podocytes coexpressed the parietal epithelial cell (PEC) proteins claudin-1, SSeCKS, and PAX8. These results show that although podocytes can be partially replenished following abrupt depletion, a process augmented by ACE inhibition, the source or sources are nonpodocyte in origin and are independent of proliferation. Furthermore, a subset of podocytes migrate to the Bowman's capsule and begin to coexpress PEC markers.
  • 机译 C反应蛋白加重了肾脏缺血再灌注损伤:是否应归咎于髓样抑制细胞?
    摘要:Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are a CD11b+Gr1+ population in mice that can be separated into granulocytic (g-MDSC) and monocytic (m-MDSC) subtypes based on their expression of Ly6G and Ly6C. Both MDSC subtypes are potent suppressors of T cell immunity, and their contribution has been investigated in a plethora of diseases including renal cancer, renal transplant, and chronic kidney disease. Whether MDSCs contribute to the pathogenesis of acute kidney injury (AKI) remains unknown. Herein, using human C-reactive protein (CRP) transgenic (CRPtg) and CRP-deficient mice (CRP−/−) subjected to bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), we confirm our earlier finding that CRP exacerbates renal IRI and show for the first time that this effect is accompanied in CRPtg mice by a shift in the balance of kidney-infiltrating MDSCs toward a suppressive Ly6G+Ly6Clow g-MDSC subtype. In CRPtg mice, direct depletion of g-MDSCs (using an anti-Gr1 monoclonal antibody) reduced the albuminuria caused by renal IRI, confirming they play a deleterious role. Remarkably, treatment of CRPtg mice with an antisense oligonucleotide that specifically blocks the human CRP acute-phase response also led to a reduction in renal g-MDSC numbers and improved albuminuria after renal IRI. Our study in CRPtg mice provides new evidence that MDSCs participate in the pathogenesis of renal IRI and shows that their pharmacological depletion is beneficial. If ongoing investigations confirm that CRP is an endogenous regulator of MDSCs in CRPtg mice, and if this action is recapitulated in humans, then targeting CRP or/and MDSCs might offer a new approach for the treatment of AKI.
  • 机译 更正
    • 作者:
    • 刊名:American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
    • -1年第7期
  • 机译 下尿路的嘌呤能信号传导机制:多元分析方法可确定膀胱过度活动症患者炎症蛋白的新关联
    摘要:Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common debilitating bladder condition with unknown etiology and limited diagnostic modalities. Here, we explored a novel high-throughput and unbiased multiplex approach with cellular and molecular components in a well-characterized patient cohort to identify biomarkers that could be reliably used to distinguish OAB from controls or provide insights into underlying etiology. As a secondary analysis, we determined whether this method could discriminate between OAB and other chronic bladder conditions. We analyzed plasma samples from healthy volunteers (n = 19) and patients diagnosed with OAB, interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), or urinary tract infections (UTI; n = 51) for proinflammatory, chemokine, cytokine, angiogenesis, and vascular injury factors using Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) analysis and urinary cytological analysis. Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were used to perform univariate and multivariate comparisons between patient groups (controls, OAB, IC/BPS, and UTI). Multivariate logistic regression models were fit for each MSD analyte on 1) OAB patients and controls, 2) OAB and IC/BPS patients, and 3) OAB and UTI patients. Age, race, and sex were included as independent variables in all multivariate analysis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated to determine the diagnostic potential of a given analyte. Our findings demonstrate that five analytes, i.e., interleukin 4, TNF-α, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β, serum amyloid A, and Tie2 can reliably differentiate OAB relative to controls and can be used to distinguish OAB from the other conditions. Together, our pilot study suggests a molecular imbalance in inflammatory proteins may contribute to OAB pathogenesis.
  • 机译 肾脏中钙可渗透的离子通道
    • 作者:Yiming ZhouAnna Greka
    • 刊名:American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology
    • -1年第11期
    摘要:Calcium ions (Ca2+) are crucial for a variety of cellular functions. The extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations are thus tightly regulated to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis. The kidney, one of the major organs of the excretory system, regulates Ca2+ homeostasis by filtration and reabsorption. Approximately 60% of the Ca2+ in plasma is filtered, and 99% of that is reabsorbed by the kidney tubules. Ca2+ is also a critical signaling molecule in kidney development, in all kidney cellular functions, and in the emergence of kidney diseases. Recently, studies using genetic and molecular biological approaches have identified several Ca2+-permeable ion channel families as important regulators of Ca2+ homeostasis in kidney. These ion channel families include transient receptor potential channels (TRP), voltage-gated calcium channels, and others. In this review, we provide a brief and systematic summary of the expression, function, and pathological contribution for each of these Ca2+-permeable ion channels. Moreover, we discuss their potential as future therapeutic targets.
  • 机译 肾小管SGK1缺乏会通过失去NEDD4-2 / WNK1和ENaC的调节而导致K +排泄受损
    摘要:The stimulation of postprandial K+ clearance involves aldosterone-independent and -dependent mechanisms. In this context, serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase (SGK)1, a ubiquitously expressed kinase, is one of the primary aldosterone-induced proteins in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron. Germline inactivation of SGK1 suggests that this kinase is fundamental for K+ excretion under conditions of K+ load, but the specific role of renal SGK1 remains elusive. To avoid compensatory mechanisms that may occur during nephrogenesis, we used inducible, nephron-specific Sgk1Pax8/LC1 mice to assess the role of renal tubular SGK1 in K+ regulation. Under a standard diet, these animals exhibited normal K+ handling. When challenged by a high-K+ diet, they developed severe hyperkalemia accompanied by a defect in K+ excretion. Molecular analysis revealed reduced neural precursor cell expressed developmentally downregulated protein (NEDD)4-2 phosphorylation and total expression. γ-Epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) expression and α/γENaC proteolytic processing were also decreased in mutant mice. Moreover, with no lysine kinase (WNK)1, which displayed in control mice punctuate staining in the distal convoluted tubule and diffuse distribution in the connecting tubule/cortical colleting duct, was diffused in the distal convoluted tubule and less expressed in the connecting tubule/collecting duct of SgkPax8/LC1 mice. Moreover, Ste20-related proline/alanine-rich kinase phosphorylation, and Na+-Cl cotransporter phosphorylation/apical localization were reduced in mutant mice. Consistent with the altered WNK1 expression, increased renal outer medullary K+ channel apical localization was observed. In conclusion, our data suggest that renal tubular SGK1 is important in the regulation of K+ excretion via the control of NEDD4-2, WNK1, and ENaC.
  • 机译 高血压:失踪的WNK
    摘要:The With no Lysine [K] (WNK) family of enzymes are central in the regulation of blood pressure. WNKs have been implicated in hereditary hypertension disorders, mainly through control of the activity and levels of ion cotransporters and channels. Actions of WNKs in the kidney have been heavily investigated, and recent studies have provided insight into not only the regulation of these enzymes but also how mutations in WNKs and their interacting partners contribute to hypertensive disorders. Defining the roles of WNKs in the cardiovascular system will provide clues about additional mechanisms by which WNKs can regulate blood pressure. This review summarizes recent developments in the regulation of the WNK signaling cascade and its role in regulation of blood pressure.
  • 机译 近端肾小管特异性谷氨酰胺合成酶的缺失改变了基础和酸中毒刺激的氨代谢
    摘要:Glutamine synthetase (GS) catalyzes the recycling of NH4+ with glutamate to form glutamine. GS is highly expressed in the renal proximal tubule (PT), suggesting ammonia recycling via GS could decrease net ammoniagenesis and thereby limit ammonia available for net acid excretion. The purpose of the present study was to determine the role of PT GS in ammonia metabolism under basal conditions and during metabolic acidosis. We generated mice with PT-specific GS deletion (PT-GS-KO) using Cre-loxP techniques. Under basal conditions, PT-GS-KO increased urinary ammonia excretion significantly. Increased ammonia excretion occurred despite decreased expression of key proteins involved in renal ammonia generation. After the induction of metabolic acidosis, the ability to increase ammonia excretion was impaired significantly by PT-GS-KO. The blunted increase in ammonia excretion occurred despite greater expression of multiple components of ammonia generation, including SN1 (Slc38a3), phosphate-dependent glutaminase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and Na+-coupled electrogenic bicarbonate cotransporter. We conclude that 1) GS-mediated ammonia recycling in the PT contributes to both basal and acidosis-stimulated ammonia metabolism and 2) adaptive changes in other proteins involved in ammonia metabolism occur in response to PT-GS-KO and cause an underestimation of the role of PT GS expression.
  • 机译 运动训练对脊髓损伤后尿路功能的影响
    摘要:Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes dramatic changes in the quality of life, including coping with bladder dysfunction which requires repeated daily and nightly catheterizations. Our laboratory has recently demonstrated in a rat SCI model that repetitive sensory information generated through task-specific stepping and/or loading can improve nonlocomotor functions, including bladder function (Ward PJ, Herrity AN, Smith RR, Willhite A, Harrison BJ, Petruska JC, Harkema SJ, Hubscher CH. J Neurotrauma 31: 819–833, 2014). To target potential underlying mechanisms, the current study included a forelimb-only exercise group to ascertain whether improvements may be attributed to general activity effects that impact target organ-neural interactions or to plasticity of the lumbosacral circuitry that receives convergent somatovisceral inputs. Male Wistar rats received a T9 contusion injury and were randomly assigned to three groups 2 wk postinjury: quadrupedal locomotion, forelimb exercise, or a nontrained group. Throughout the study (including preinjury), all animals were placed in metabolic cages once a week for 24 h to monitor water intake and urine output. Following the 10-wk period of daily 1-h treadmill training, awake cystometry data were collected and bladder and kidney tissue harvested for analysis. Metabolic cage frequency-volume measurements of voiding and cystometry reveal an impact of exercise training on multiple SCI-induced impairments related to various aspects of urinary tract function. Improvements in both the quadrupedal and forelimb-trained groups implicate underlying mechanisms beyond repetitive sensory information from the hindlimbs driving spinal network excitability of the lumbosacral urogenital neural circuitry. Furthermore, the impact of exercise training on the upper urinary tract (kidney) underscores the health benefit of activity-based training on the entire urinary system within the SCI population.
  • 机译 更好地进行人类疾病的临床前建模为急性肾损伤架桥翻译
    摘要:The current lack of effective therapeutics for patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) represents an important and unmet medical need. Given the importance of the clinical problem, it is time for us to take a few steps back and reexamine current practices. The focus of this review is to explore the extent to which failure of therapeutic translation from animal studies to human studies stems from deficiencies in the preclinical models of AKI. We will evaluate whether the preclinical models of AKI that are commonly used recapitulate the known pathophysiologies of AKI that are being modeled in humans, focusing on four common scenarios that are studied in clinical therapeutic intervention trials: cardiac surgery-induced AKI; contrast-induced AKI; cisplatin-induced AKI; and sepsis associated AKI. Based on our observations, we have identified a number of common limitations in current preclinical modeling of AKI that could be addressed. In the long term, we suggest that progress in developing better preclinical models of AKI will depend on developing a better understanding of human AKI. To this this end, we suggest that there is a need to develop greater in-depth molecular analyses of kidney biopsy tissues coupled with improved clinical and molecular classification of patients with AKI.


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