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Activation and inhibition of the micturition reflex by penile afferents in the cat




Coordination of the urinary bladder and the external urethral sphincter (EUS) is controlled by descending projections from the pons, and is also subject to modulation by segmental afferents. We quantified the effects on the micturition reflex of sensory inputs from genital afferents, traveling in the penile component of the somatic pudendal nerve, by electrical stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis (DNP) in α-chloralose anesthetized male cats. Depending on the frequency of stimulation (range 1–40 Hz), activation of penile afferents either inhibited contractions of the bladder and promoted urine storage or activated the bladder and produced micturition. Stimulation of the DNP at 5–10 Hz inhibited distension evoked contractions and increased the maximum bladder capacity before incontinence. Conversely, stimulation at 33 and 40 Hz augmented distension evoked contractions. When the bladder was filled above a threshold volume (70% of the volume necessary for distension evoked contractions), stimulation at 20–40 Hz activated de novo the micturition reflex and elicited detrusor contractions that increased voiding efficiency compared to distension evoked voiding. Electrical stimulation of the DNP with a cuff electrode or percutaneous wire electrode produced similar results. The ability to evoke detrusor contractions by activation of the DNP was preserved following acute spinal transection. These results demonstrate a clear role of genital afferents in modulating the micturition reflex and suggest the DNP as a potential target for functional restoration of bladder control using electrical stimulation.
机译:膀胱和尿道外括约肌(EUS)的协调受来自脑桥的递减投影的控制,并且还受到分段传入的调制。我们通过电刺激阴茎背神经(DNP)在α-氯醛糖麻醉的雄性猫中对生殖器传入的感觉输入的排尿反射的影响进行了研究,这些输入在体部阴部神经的阴茎成分中传播。取决于刺激的频率(范围1–40 Hz),阴茎传入的激活要么抑制膀胱的收缩并促进尿液的储存,要么激活膀胱并产生排尿。在5–10 Hz刺激DNP可抑制尿失禁引起的扩张并增加最大膀胱容量。相反,在33和40 Hz刺激会引起扩张,引起收缩。当膀胱被充满到阈值体积以上(扩张引起的收缩所需体积的70%)时,在20–40 Hz刺激从头开始排尿反射,并引起逼尿肌收缩,与扩张引起的排尿相比,排尿效率提高。用袖带电极或经皮线电极对DNP进行电刺激产生了相似的结果。急性脊髓横断后,通过激活DNP引起逼尿肌收缩的能力得以保留。这些结果表明生殖器传入在调节排尿反射中的明确作用,并提示DNP作为使用电刺激进行膀胱控制功能恢复的潜在目标。



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