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An evaluation of a collaborative model for preparing evidence-based medicine teachers




>Purpose: The authors studied the effectiveness of a train-the-trainer collaboration model between librarians and medical faculty to instruct librarians and health professionals in teaching evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles.>Methods: A telephone survey was administered to graduates of an EBM course who agreed to participate in the study. They were asked if and how they taught EBM on returning to their institutions, if they felt competent to critically appraise an article, if their skill in searching PubMed improved, and if they collaborated with others in teaching EBM.>Results: Most respondents were librarians. The class was successful in that most taught EBM on return to their home institutions. Most initiated collaboration with health professionals. The goals of improving PubMed searching and achieving statistical competency had less success.>Conclusion: This model is effective in preparing librarians to teach EBM. Modeling and encouraging collaboration between librarians and health professionals were successful techniques. Librarians would like more instruction in statistical concepts and less in searching PubMed. Conclusions cannot be made for health professionals because of the low response rate from this group. As evidence-based health care continues to extend to other disciplines, librarians can position themselves to participate fully in the EBM educational process.
机译:>目的:作者研究了图书馆员与医学教师之间的培训师与培训者协作模型的有效性,该模型指导图书馆员和卫生专业人员教授循证医学(EBM)原理。>方法: 对同意参加该研究的EBM课程的毕业生进行了电话调查。他们被问到是否以及如何在返回机构时教EBM,是否有能力对文章进行批判性评估,搜索PubMed的技能是否得到改善以及是否与其他人一起教EBM。>结果:大多数受访者是图书馆员。这门课的成功之处在于,大多数受教过的EBM都返回了自己的家庭机构。大多数发起与卫生专业人员的合作。改善PubMed搜索和实现统计能力的目标收效甚微。>结论:该模型可有效地帮助图书馆员做好循证医学教学的准备。建模和鼓励图书馆员与卫生专业人员之间的合作是成功的技术。图书馆员希望获得更多有关统计概念的指导,而不是搜索PubMed。由于该小组的响应率低,因此无法为卫生专业人员得出结论。随着基于证据的医疗保健继续扩展到其他学科,图书馆员可以使自己定位为充分参与EBM教育过程。



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