首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Advances in Medicine >An Outbreak of Serratia marcescens in a Moroccan Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

An Outbreak of Serratia marcescens in a Moroccan Neonatal Intensive Care Unit




Serratia marcescens (S. marcescens) is an Enterobacteriaceae microorganism that is widespread in the environment, which may be the source of nosocomial infections, rare in the newborn but severe, and often in the form of outbreaks. The aim of our study is to report our experience, during an outbreak of S. marcescens, to show the severity of this germ, with review of the literature. Our study was retrospective, including 8 newborns with S. marcescens nosocomial infection, collected in the neonatal intensive care unit of Mohammed VI University Medical Hospital, during the epidemic period, over a period of 2 months (July and August 2016). The mean gestational age of the cases was 36 weeks of amenorrhea. Boys accounted for 75% of the cases. The average weight was 1853 grams. All the patients were initially placed under empiric antibiotic therapy based on ceftriaxone and gentamicin. The mean duration of nosocomial infection, diagnosed in all cases by blood cultures, was 7 days. The strains of S. marcescens were in 75% of the cases sensitive to the cephalosporins, intermediate sensitivity in 12.5% of cases and resistant in 12.5% of cases. The outcome was fatal in 62.5% of cases. S. marcescens nosocomial infections are often reported on epidemic series, and their eradication is not always easy.
机译:粘质沙雷氏菌(S. marcescens)是一种在环境中广泛分布的肠杆菌科微生物,可能是医院感染的来源,在新生儿中很少见,但严重,通常以爆发的形式出现。我们的研究目的是报告我们在粘液链球菌暴发期间的经验,以证明这种细菌的严重性,并结合文献进行回顾。我们的研究是回顾性的,包括在流行期间的两个月内(2016年7月和2016年8月),在穆罕默德六世大学医学院附属医院的新生儿重症监护病房收集了8例患有粘枝链球菌医院感染的新生儿。该例的平均胎龄为闭经36周。男孩占病例的75%。平均重量为1853克。最初所有患者均接受基于头孢曲松和庆大霉素的经验性抗生素治疗。所有病例均通过血培养诊断出的医院感染平均持续时间为7天。粘质链球菌菌株对头孢菌素敏感的占75%,中度敏感的占12.5%,耐药的占12.5%。在62.5%的病例中,结果是致命的。粘液链球菌的医院感染常在流行病系列中报道,而且根除并非总是很容易。



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