首页> 中文期刊> 《中兴通讯技术》 >天地一体化网络空间信息抗干扰技术




In this paper, according to the definition of the space information anti-interference and the analysis of applications of the current schemes in foreign typical systems, we discuss the new characteristics during the procedure of the space information transmission, storage and processing. It points out the new trends, such as more comprehensive in system protection, stronger in resist interference, more mature in networking and standardization of network security protocols. In light of current developments in integrated space-terrestrial information network, some new information anti-interference issues must be considered, such as multi-type interference, ability achievement in resiliency satel ite architecture and active behavior of space system in the new international environment. We propose some important and new directions for future work.%基于空间信息抗干扰概念和典型系统抗干扰技术应用分析,提出了天地一体化信息网络中空间信息系统在信息获取、传输、存储和处理过程中均面临干扰的特点。指出了国际上空间信息抗干扰的新趋势,如系统防护能力愈加全面、系统抗干扰能力不断增强、卫星组网日趋成熟、网络安全协议标准化等,同时还指出中国空间信息抗干扰面临的新问题,如多重干扰并存、“弹性”体系中的抗干扰能力生成、国际新环境下空间系统主动抗干扰等,并给出了天地一体化信息网络空间信息抗干扰未来的研究方向建议。



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