首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江医学》 >碘-苯酚混合液在非手术治疗恒牙根尖周囊肿中的应用




Objective To evaluate the efficacy of iodine-phenol mixture in non-operative treatment of permanent teeth apical cyst. Methods One hundred and two patients with permanent anterior teeth and premolars apical cyst were enrol ed in the study, including 62 cases treated with iodine-phenol mixture combined with Vitapex paste (observation group) and 40 cases treated with Vitapex paste alone (control group). Patients were fol owed-up regularly and the cure rates were compared between two groups. Results After 6 months of fol ow-up, the cure rates were 87.1%(54/62) and 70.0%(28/40) in observation and con-trol groups respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion The iodine-phenol mixture combined with Viapex is effective and safe for non-operative treatment of permanent teeth apical cyst.%  目的探讨碘-苯酚混合液在非手术治疗恒牙根尖周囊肿中的应用。方法选取根尖周囊肿患者102例(均为前牙和前磨牙根尖周囊肿患者),囊肿范围0.5cm×0.5cm~2.5cm×2.5cm。采用碘-苯酚联合Vitapex糊剂治疗62例(观察组),单纯应用Vitapex糊剂治疗40例(对照组)。随访6个月,比较两组患者的治愈率。结果观察组治愈54例,治愈率87.09%;对照组治愈28例,治愈率70.0%。观察组治愈率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论碘-苯酚混合液注入根尖囊肿囊腔内,可以破坏囊壁,具有杀菌、消毒作用,能提高根尖囊肿非手术治疗的治愈率,操作方法简便易行,值得临床推广应用。



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