首页> 中文期刊> 《云南电力技术》 >特高压直流工程整流侧丢失触发脉冲特性研究




The principle of the missing firing pulses of the rectifier side of UHV DC transmission system is analyzed,and by debugging experiment of ±800 kV Pu Qiao HVDC project as an example, studies the control strategy of DC system when the trigger pulse is lost in one cycle and a plurality of continuous cycle,analysis of the electrical characteristics of the fire pulses when the rectiifer side is missing in the actual operation of UHV DC system.The results show that the loss of a periodic trigger pulse has little effect on the DC system, and multiple cycles of continuous loss of trigger pulse can lead to the valve group control system switching, and even valve group ESOF,and puts forward the measures to deal with the protection of false action caused by missing ifringpulses.%分析了特高压直流输电系统整流侧发生丢失触发脉冲原理,并以±800 kV普侨直流工程的调试实验为例,研究了在一个周期内和连续多个周期丢失触发脉冲时直流系统的控制策略,分析实际运行的特高压直流系统整流侧丢失触发脉冲时的电气量特征,得出丢失一个周期触发脉冲对直流系统影响不大,而多个周期连续丢失触发脉冲则会导致直流阀组控制系统切换,甚至有阀组ESOF的风险,并对丢失触发脉冲容易引起的保护误动情况提出了处理措施。



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