首页> 中文期刊> 《阅江学刊 》 >从生物节律看影视剧套拍续拍翻拍重拍的利弊与根源




续拍与翻拍,是电影史与电视史上普遍存在的一种创作取向,近年尤甚,二者容易与套拍、重拍混淆。学界对其以伐挞和贬抑为主,无人界定并辨析,更缺乏对其根源的深入分析。除了要从人文社会科学切入外,还需从自然科学寻求智力支持,时间生物学是一个强大的思想利器。影视主创者的生物节律乃至生命周期存在很大不同,高度依赖机器与技术的影视艺术对从业者生物钟的破坏毋容置疑,亿万影视受众的审美疲劳更受制于时间生物学特征。人类的"生物三节律"滋蘖传受双方的逆反心理与厌倦情绪,导致艺术创作尤其影视重复拍摄与乏味翻续的生理心理基因正是人类的"生物三节律"。%The derivative and reproduced films and TV series is a common tendency in history of film and that of television, especially in recent years, which was mixed with reproduction of original works. The aca- demic circles depreciate it and nobody defines or discriminates and never analyses the underlying causes. Ex- cept for social sciences, we need to seek technical support from natural sciences, especially, from the subjects of chronobiology or medical biology. The producers of the films and TV series differ in biological rhythms and life period. The audio-visual arts that highly depend on machines and technologies cause damage on the biologi- cal clock of the producers and technicians, and the chronobiological characteristics result in aesthetic fatigue of audiences. "Biological three rhythms" of human being cause aesthetic fatigue of the audiences, which lead to the derivative and reproduced films and TV series.



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