首页> 中文期刊>人民黄河 >汾河水库上游水源涵养区水生态补偿标准研究




生态补偿的目的是调动水源地生态建设与环境保护者的积极性,保证水源地的可持续发展。在流域水生态补偿机制构建过程中,补偿标准应建立在充分考虑流域上游生态保护方所承担的机会成本以及流域下游生态受益方支付意愿的基础上,再通过政府财政状况和相关生态补偿资金进行核定。运用支付意愿法和机会成本法对汾河水库上游水源涵养区水生态补偿标准进行了测算,确定了补偿标准的范围为5.0亿~14.8亿元,并根据汾河水库上游娄烦县、岚县、宁武县、静乐县的常住人口数量和植被恢复面积对补偿资金进行了分配。%The purpose of ecological compensation is to mobilize the ecological building and the enthusiasm of environmentalists of water source area and to ensure the sustainable development of the water source area. In the building of watershed eco compensation mechanism, process, standard of compensation determined should be based on the willingness to pay for fully consider the river basin ecological protection to bear the opportunity cost and basin upstream and downstream ecological benefit based on, and then through the state of government finances and the relevant ecological compensation funds approved. It used payment willingness method and opportunity cost method to calculate the Fenhe Reservoir water conservation areas in the upper water ecological compensation standard, determined the scope of compensation standard as 0.50 billion to 1. 48 billion Yuan, and according to Fenhe Reservoir upstream Loufan County, Lanxian County, Ningwu County and Jingle County resident population and vegetation recovery area of compensation funds were allocated.



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