首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >大变形隧洞支护现状与新型让压支护发展与展望




随着我国各项基础设施建设的发展,穿越高地应力区且工程地质环境恶劣的深埋长大隧洞工程不断涌现,高地应力、软岩条件下隧洞大变形问题日益凸显,并危及工程安全. 对国内外大变形隧洞支护方式进行了系统调研. 调研结果显示,目前对交通、水电水利等行业的隧道大变形问题的处理,均是以强支护或分层强支护为主的方案进行的,不仅造成材料的极大浪费,而且大变形造成的危害并未有效消除. 而煤矿行业在处理大变形问题时成功采用了一种让压支护方案,通过对两种不同支护方式的对比分析,认为让压支护体系克服了目前交通、水电水利等行业中支护体系的缺陷,具有良好的应用前景.%With the rapid development of the infrastructure construction in our country, more and more deep-buried large and long tunnels are built in the areas with high geostatic stress and poor geological conditions. Large deformation of tunnels under high geostatic stress and soft surrounding rock poses a threat to the project safety. Foreign and domestic large deformation tunnel supporting system are investigated and researched. The results show that: the current treatment of large tunnel deformation in transportation, hydropower and water conservancy industries is using strong support or layered strong support, which turns out to be material consuming and ineffective in elimination of damages caused by large deformation. However in coal mining industry, a stress-yielding supporting solution is adopted and proved successful in treatment of large deformation. Through comparative anal-ysis of these two supporting solutions, it is concluded that the stress yielding supporting system overcomes the drawbacks of the current supporting system used in transportation, hydropower and water conservancy industries and has a good application pros-pects.



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