首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >膨胀岩湿化崩解特性及膨胀性快速鉴别研究




湿化崩解是膨胀岩的一个重要特性,崩解性是由其膨胀性等级、含水率、结构特征以及矿物成分等决定的。为了解南水北调中线工程南阳地区膨胀岩湿化崩解特性,进行了现场取样和室内试验。介绍了膨胀岩湿化崩解特性的试验方法和试验过程,重点研究了膨胀性等级和含水率对膨胀岩湿化崩解特性的影响,讨论了不同膨胀性等级的膨胀岩湿化崩解特征。在大量试验分析、研究的基础上,提出了以湿化崩解特征作为初判指标,实现了对南阳地区膨胀岩膨胀性等级的快速鉴别。%The wetting-induced disintegration is a main feature of the expansive rock, and the disintegration is determined by the characteristics such as the expansive degree, water content, structural feature as well as the mineral composition. An in-situ sampling and indoor experiment was carried out in Nanyang area of Henan Province, the MRP of South-to-North Water Diver-sion, so as to study the wetting and disintegration characteristics of expansive rock. The experimental method and process are presented, especially the influence of expansive degree and water content on wetting and disintegration is researched. Based on a large quantity of experiments and studies, a quick identification method for the expansive degree of expansive rock in Nanyang ar-ea is put forward, in which the wetting and disintegration characteristics are adopted as the initial index.



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