首页> 中文期刊>世界最新医学信息文摘(电子版) >经阴道四维子宫输卵管超声造影与X线子宫输卵管造影在输卵管通畅性诊断的对比




目的:比较经阴道子宫输卵管四维超声造影(TVS 4D-HyCoSy)与X线子宫输卵管造影(X-HSG)评价输卵管通畅性的一致性。方法本研究对2015年1月至2015年11月前来就诊的72例女性不孕症患者采用新型微泡对比剂行经阴道四维造影技术(TVS 4D-HyCoSy)评判输卵管的通畅性,实时动态观察对比剂在宫腔、输卵管内流动的过程及其显影效果,并与X线子宫输卵管造影(X-HSG)进行对比。结果72例不孕症患者行TVS 4D-HyCoSy检查144条输卵管。以X-HSG为标准,超声造影评价输卵管通畅的符合率为94.74%(72/76),通而不畅的符合率为85.71(28/24),积水的符合率100%(20/20),阻塞的符合率为100%(24/24),总体符合率为94.44%。2种方法判断输卵管通畅性的能力相当(P>0.05),且均未出现与对比剂相关的不良反应。结论应用TVS 4D-HyCoSy能安全、有效地显示子宫输卵管的形态,并准确判断其通畅性,是检查输卵管通畅性的有效方法。%ABSTRACT:Objective To compare the accordance of transvaginal four-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast sonograpny (TVS 4D-HyCoSy ) and hysterosalpingography ( HSG) in the assessment of tubal patency. Methods TVS 4D-HyCoSy was performed in all 142 fallopian tubes of 72 infertile women from January 2015 to November 2015, Real-time assessment of tubal patency was conducted by monitoring motion and its enhancement effect of contrast atent in the endometrial cavith and tuballumen, and the results were com-pared with those results of HSG. Results Through the TVS 4D-HyCoSy, there were 144 oviducts of 72 infertility patients.Took X-HSG as the standard, ultrasonic contrast evaluation of tubal patency coincindence rate was 94.74%(72/76), 85.71(28/24) were partially pass-able, 100%(20/20) were hydrosalpinx, 100(24/24) were obstructed. The overall coincidence rate was 94.44%. Two methods were similar in dudging the patency of fallopian tubes (P>0.05) without untoward effect. Conclusions TVS 4D-HyCoSy ia able to show the mor-phological strcture of uterine tube. This technique might become a safe and effective method to diagnose teh patency of fallopin tubes.



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