首页> 中文期刊> 《世界睡眠医学杂志》 >神经肽 B 在中枢神经系统中的免疫荧光表达

神经肽 B 在中枢神经系统中的免疫荧光表达



Objective To study the expression of NPB in the rat brain,in order to further research the relationship be-tween NPB and sleep.Methods With the use of an antiserum directed against the rat NPB, immunofluorescence to NPB was detected in several discrete areas of the central nervous system except the olfactory bulb,pituitary and cerebellum of serial section in this article.Results & Conclusion I found that NPB immune positive (irNPB) cells not only prenst in the hypothalamic (ventromedial nucleus, dorsal medial nucleus), arcuate hypothalamic nucleus,supraoptic nucleus and zona incerta, The ventral tegmental area, dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra and so on of the midbrain , they also were found in the basal forebrain (VDB and HDB), globus pallidus(lateral,medial), caudate putamen (striatum), reticular thalamic nucleus, median raphe nu-cleus, raphe obscurus nucleus, anterior tegmental nucleus, rhabdoid nucleus, paramedian reticular nucleus and gigantocellular re-ticular nucleus.%目的:研究神经肽 B (NPB)在大鼠脑组织中的定位,探讨 NPB 与睡眠的关系。方法采用免疫荧光法测定 NPB 在除嗅球、垂体及小脑以外大鼠脑组织中的表达。结果及结论NPB 不仅表达于于下丘脑腹内侧核、背内侧核、弓状核、视交叉上核和未定带腹侧区及中脑的腹侧被盖区,中缝背核,黑质等区域,还见于基底前脑的 VDB 和HDB;内、外侧苍白球,尾状核;丘脑网状核;脑干的中缝隐核、中缝核、前被盖核、横纹肌核、旁正中网状核、巨细胞网状核。



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