首页> 中文期刊> 《世界复合医学》 >我国数字医学新学科的创立与发展




Digital medicine, a new interdiscipline emerging with the arrival of digital age, has developed rapidly in recent years both in China and abroad. Taking advantages of the latest theories and advanced technologies abroad, a group of Chinese scholars who are interested in the basic and clinical research of digital medicine, have been working as pioneers to explore in the ifeld of digital medicine, an intriguing virgin land. After decades of efforts, they have created the conditions for establishing a new discipline:scientiifc research on digital medicine has been carried out throughout China;academic conference is held nationally once a year for academic exchanges; academic journals in both English and Chinese have been launched; academic monographs have been published as the theoretical and technical support for this discipline;and a professional team has been built nationwide and devote to the study of digital medicine. From May 21 to 23, 2011, the founding conference of the Chinese Society of Digital Medicine and the ifrst annual conference were held at the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing, marking the birth of digital medicine as a new discipline in China. In the next few years, digital medicine in China will experience a period of rapid development. During this period, 1) research on the basic theory and application of digital medicine will be further valued at the national level;2) research on the clinical application of digital medicine will soon be on the rise across the country;3) the development of digital medicine will create a new group of disciplines and give rise to the establishment of new medical systems and institutions;4) rapid development will be seen in the building of digital hospitals, in the construction of digital medical and health network and in the remote diagnosis;5) the professional teams or organizations in digital medicine will grow quickly.%数字医学是人类社会进入数字化时代应运而生的新兴前沿交叉学科,近年来在国内外都得到了快速发展。我国有志于数字医学基础研究和临床应用研究的一批学者,在学习、借鉴国外最新理论和先进技术的基础上,在数字医学这片处女地上大胆开拓、辛勤耕耘。经过十余年的不懈努力,创造了一个新学科创立的必要条件:在全国范围内开展了数字医学的学术研究;每年组织一次全国性的学术年会搭建学术交流平台;主办了中英文学术期刊作为学术园地;出版了学术专著作为理论和技术支撑;在数字医学的旗帜下带起了一支全国性的学术队伍。2011年5月21-23日,中华医学会数字医学分会成立大会暨第一届学术年会在重庆第三军医大学举行,标志着我国数字医学新学科的正式诞生。未来几年,我国数字医学事业会迎来一个快速发展的时期,具体体现在:一是数字医学的基础理论研究和应用基础研究将会在国家层面受到进一步的重视;二是数字医学的临床应用研究将会很快在全国掀起热潮;三是数字医学的发展会催生新的学科群和新的医疗体制和机构的建立;四是数字化医院、数字化医疗卫生网络建设及远程诊疗将得到很快发展;五是数字医学的学术队伍和学术组织会快速发展。



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