首页> 中文期刊> 《西部金融》 >利率市场化与银行同业定价协调机制




Since 2012, the course of interest rate marketlization in China has accelerated. The central bank reduced interest rate twice and meanwhile extended the floating range of financial institutions' interest rate in which the deposit interest rate was allowed to float upward and the floor of lending interest rate was extended to as 0.7 times. This is an important step forward of interest rate mar- kettization and financial reform, which has far-reaching influence on banking's market competition, profit increase and management. From the macro and micro angles the paper discusses the way how banking is facing interest rate marketlization, and puts forward the idea of the coordination mechanism of inter bank pricing.%2012年以来,我国利率市场化进程明显加速。央行在两次降息的同时,扩大了金融机构利率浮动区间,首次允许存款利率上浮,贷款利率的下限放宽至0.7倍。这是我国利率市场化改革和金融改革向前迈出的重要一步,将对银行业的市场竞争、盈利增长和经营管理产生深远的影响。本文从宏观与微观两个层面探讨了银行业迎接利率市场化的路径.并提出了我国银行同业定价协调机制的设想。



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