首页> 中文期刊>焊接 >基于OpenMV的螺旋管内焊缝自动跟踪系统




针对国内部分钢材加工厂采用人工判断焊缝位置, 手动调节来纠正焊偏的控制方式, 自动化水平低且长时间工作导致视觉疲劳容易造成误判, 影响螺旋管焊接质量的问题.该系统通过Open MV机器视觉模块采集图像, 利用图像处理技术实时提取焊缝特征信息, 经过统计筛选来计算焊枪偏移量, 结合控制技术来实现焊枪的自动纠偏.现场试验结果表明, 该系统能够满足要求, 稳定、准确的实现焊缝自动跟踪.%In China, the automation level in some steel processing plants is low, which the weld was manually judged and the position of the welding torch was manually adjusted, and the welding quality is influenced by visual fatigue caused due to long-term work. The image information was captured through the OpenM V module, real-time weld information was extracted by using related image processing technology, the offset of the torch was determined through data statistics, and the automatic correction of the torch was realized by combining control technology.The field test results show that the system can achieve automatic weld tracking with high stability and accuracy.



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