首页> 中文期刊> 《水资源保护》 >沙颍河干流与地下水水量交换研究




A numerical model of water exchange between a river and groundwater was established to study the water exchange in the section from Jieshou Station to Fuyang Station of the Shaying River. The results show that discharge through rivers is a major way in which groundwater discharges, and the water exchange between surface water and groundwater is characterized by groundwater replenishing surface water. The water exchange volume is directly correlated with hydraulic conductivity (C) , and their relationship is nearly exponential. When C=100m2 /d, the discharge from the river to groundwater was 4. 77×l0-6 m3/(s · km) during the high flood stage period, and the phreatic water table within 1000 m along the river was significantly affected by recharge; and in the dry season, the discharge from groundwater to the river was 7. 26×l0-3 m3/( s · km). Over-exploitation of groundwater may lead to a decrease in groundwater recharge and have a negative effect on river discharge in the Shaying River in the dry season.%以沙颍河干流界首至阜阳段为研究区,建立河流与地下水水量交换的数值模型,研究其主要河流与地下水之间的水量交换关系.在研究中发现:排泄河流是地下水的主要排泄方式之一,地下水与地表水的水量交换主要表现为地下水补给地表水.河流与地下水的交换水量与河流水力传导系数C直接相关,基本呈指数关系.当C值为100 m2/d,沙颍河干流高洪水位期间,河流对地下水的补给强度为4.77×10-6m3/(s·km),在距离河流小于1000 m范围内的潜水水位受补给影响明显 ;在枯水季节,地下水对河流平均补给强度为7.26×10-3m3/(s·km).枯水季节地下水对河流的补给强度较大,过度开采可能引起地下水对沙颍河的补给量减少,对枯水季节沙颍河河道流量产生重大负面影响.



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