首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >基于TOPSIS法的天然气集输管网规划方案决策




天然气集输管网系统庞大而复杂,而管网最优规划是在气田开发地面工程建设中必须首先解决的问题.本文采用TOPSIS多目标决策法对天然气集输管网工程的规划方案集进行评价,并首次在方案整体评价中把环境条件(如穿越河流、穿越公路、管线护坡工程)对投资、施工、管理的影响综合进行考虑.用该方法对实例中的8个预选方案进行综合评价,选出了技术上可行、经济上合理、符合工程要求的最佳规划设计方案.%Natural gas airtight gathering and transportation network system is large and complex, network optimal planning is a problem which must be solved at first in gas field development of engineering construction. This paper adopted TOPSIS multi-objective decision to evaluate plan sets of gas airtight gathering and transportation network, and the effect of environmental conditions (such as crossing river, crossing the highway, pipeline revetment engineering) on investment, construction, management was considered at first time in the overall evaluation scheme,The 8 pre-program are evaluated by the method, then the best plan and design requirement is chosen which is feasible for technical, rational for economical, suitable for engineering.



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