首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >基于回归分析的创业板上市公司财务风险研究




GEM has injected fresh blood into the development of China's securities market; it eased the long-term "financing" problem of high-tech SMEs effectively. However, the high risk of the GEM market has caused great concern of all parties. This paper analyzed the factors of affecting financial risk of GEM companies with the regression analysis methods. Empirical results show that GEM Company's financial risk and the scale of equity is a negative correlation, and corporate solvency, profitability, operational capacity, development capacity, investment income and cash flow does not have a significant linear relationship. The paper further proposed the measures of controlling financial risk in the GEM Company.%创业板市场的运行为我国证券市场的发展注入了新鲜血液,它的推出有效缓解了长期困扰我国高科技中小企业“融资难”的问题.但是,创业板市场伴随而来的高风险引起了市场各方的高度关注.本文采用回归分析的研究方法,对创业板上市公司财务风险的影响因素进行了分析,实证研究结果表明,创业板上市公司的财务风险与股权规模负相关,与企业的偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力、发展能力、投资收益和现金流量不具有明显的线性相关关系.文章进一步提出了创业板上市公司财务风险控制的措施.



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