首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >加强农村文化建设的发展与思考




近年来,伴随着全镇新农村建设的不断深入,统筹城乡发展步伐和小城镇建设进程的加快,全镇城乡群众文化事业也有了长足发展,主要表现在组织领导加强,投资力度加大,硬件设施完善,活动丰富多彩。文化建设的加强有效地丰富了城乡群众文化生活,提升了人们文化科技、思想道德素质,改善了人文环境。文化事业成为建设社会主义精神文明的重要组成部分,为全镇统筹城乡发展、经济建设、社会文明进步发挥着积极的作用。%  In recent years, along with the deepening of new rural construction of the town, the accelerating pace of integrated urban and rural development and construction of small towns, the urban and rural public cultural undertakings have also made significant progress, mainly in strengthened organization and leadership, increased investment, improved hardware facilities, and colorful activities. The strengthened cultural construction effectively enriches the cultural life of urban and rural masses, raises the cultural and technological quality as well as ideological and moral quality, and improves human environment. Cultural construction has become an important part of socialist spiritual civilization and plays an active role in the integrated town and rural development, economic development and the progress of social civilization.



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