首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >浅析“雅郑”含义及孔子尚雅抑郑的原因




雅郑之分,始于先秦,在人们以往的认知里,在将“雅乐”和“郑声”分别理解为民间音乐和宫廷音乐的基础上将孔子倡雅乐、恶郑声的原因简单地解释为:孔子出于统治阶级的利益要求而恢复礼制,贬斥民间音乐。实则不然。经史料分析,“雅乐”与“郑声”的关系实质上是具有祭祀性质的传统音乐与娱乐性质、无历史依据的“新声”之别。孔子寄希望于以“仁”为“雅乐”重塑社会规范;又期以“雅乐”本身所具有的祭祀乐舞的历史性与神圣性对“仁”加以确证,是其做出尚雅抑郑的选择的根本原因。%The difference between YA and ZHENG start from the dynasty QIN. In the people past awareness, at the basis of regarding. YAYUE and ZHENGSHENG as the symbols of folk music and court music, they made the explanation that own to the benefits of the ruling class Confucius required the recovery of ritual and denigrated folk music. Actually not, according to the analysis of historical data, the relationship between YAYUE and ZHENGSHENG is actually laying in the difference between the sacrificial nature of traditional music and the entertainment, no historical basis of XINSHENG. The real reasons for Confucius to choose YAYUE were that he hopes Benevolence as YAYUE that could reshape social norms and also hope its nature of historicalness and sanctity for sacrificial dance could make the Benevolence be confirmed.



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