首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >论保障农产品安全的对策




随着我国国民经济的快速发展和居民消费水平的日益提高,人们健康安全意识逐渐增强,农产品安全已经成为了各级政府高度重视、百姓普遍关注的社会焦点问题。近年来,中国政府和社会采取了一系列有针对性和行之有效的措施,使农产品安全保持总体平稳、逐步向好的趋势。但是中国农产品质量安全监管工作起步较晚、基础较差,现阶段仍存在诸多问题。只有继续着力于提高农产品安全水平,才能实现现代农业及其关联产业更好、更快地发展。%With the rapid development of China's national economy and increasing consumer level, people have gradually increased awareness of health and safety. Safety of agricultural products has become a high priority of the government and common people's concern. In recent years, the Chinese government and society have taken a series of targeted and effective measures to maintain the safety of agricultural products generally stable and gradual positive trend. However, China's agricultural products quality and safety supervision work began late, and the foundation is poor, so there are still many problems at this stage. Only by continuously focusing on improving the safety of agricultural products, can the better and faster development of modern agriculture and its related industries be realized.



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