首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >“两会一课”在学生管理工作中的应用




院“两会一课”是指开主题班会、定期召开班委会和听班级的课。由于职业学校学生的特点以及班主任的专业化程度较低,导致学生管理工作质量难以提升。“两会一课”的推行为班主任提供了交流的平台,找出了开展班级建设、解决学生问题的有效途径,从而使学校整体的学生管理工作质量有所提升,成效显著。%"Two meetings and one lesson" refers that holding theme class meeting, holding class committee and listening the lessons regularly. The characteristics of students and lower specialization degree of head teacher in vocational schools lead to the quality of student management works improve difficultly. The implementation of "two meetings and one lesson" provides a communication platform for teachers, finds an effective way to carry out the construction of the class and solve students' the problem, so as to improve the quality of student management works and get good effects.



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