首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >现代物流对循环经济的贡献与发展对策探析




现代物流产业是循环经济的基础与必要条件,二者相互促进共同发展。物流产业对循环经济发展在时间效应、空间效应、社会效应和产业结构等方面有着巨大的促进作用。而我国物流产业发展刚刚起步,还存在诸多问题,为此,从加强政策支持,完善管理制度,发展多种物流模式,加快基础配套设施建设,加大技术设备与信息网络建设投入,构建完善物流体系等方面提出加快现代物流产业发展的对策建议。%Modern logistics industry is the foundation and a necessary condition for the circular economy, and the two help each other forward and develop with each other. Logistics industry has a huge role in promoting the development of circular economy in time effects, spatial effects, social effects and industrial structure. The development of China's logistics industry has just started, so there are still many problems. This paper put forward suggestions to accelerate the development of modern logistics industry from strengthening policy support, improving management system, developing a variety of logistics mode, accelerating the construction of infrastructure facilities, increasing the technical equipment and information network construction investment, and building a sound logistics system.



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