首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >新型农村社区供暖方式的比较与选择




城镇化进程中,新型农村社区日趋增多,无论以冬季取暖作为居民正常生活必要条件之一的北方地区,还是设置集中供暖呼声日高的南方地区,供暖均成为该类工程建设的难题之一,农村社区分布集中性差,多数无集中热源,且经济发展水平不均,针对不同的情况,该选择怎样的供暖方式呢?文章就几种可选择的方式,各陈利弊,逐项进行了探讨。%In the process of urbanization, the number of new rural community is growing. Heating has become one of the difficulties in the construction of the rural communities no matter in north China or south China. Heating is the necessary condition to keep residents' normal life in winter in north China and people are also calling for central heating in south China. The rural community distribution concentration is poor, mostly having no concentrated heat source, and the economic development level is uneven. According to different situation, how to choose the way of heating? This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative ways.



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