首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >旅游产业与文化产业融合发展机制研究




With the continuous development of the society and economy in China, people's living standards and quality of life improves constantly, which promotes the development of tourism and culture industries, and China has attached more and more importance to the development of tourism and culture industries. As the tertiary industry in the national economy, the future development trend of tourism and culture industries is in combination with each other and promotion to each other. So China gives support in policy and financial aspects to promote the integrative development of tourism culture industry, while actively tries to guide the integrative development of the two industries. But when promoting the development of tourism and culture industry, integrative development planning of tourism and culture industry should be made according to the reality of local tourism, to innovate industry mode, increase products content, build area brand, and take the advantages of national support and development mode, thus promoting regional cooperation within industries, raising the economic development level, and promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the two major industries.%随着我国社会经济的不断发展,人民生活水平和生活质量的不断提高,推动了我国旅游业和文化业的不断发展,国家对旅游业和文化业的发展也越来越重视。旅游产业和文化产业作为国民经济发展中的第三产业,二者的未来发展趋势是相互结合,互相促进。因此国家为推动旅游产业和文化产业的融合发展,在政策和财政方面给予两大产业以支持,同时积极努力的引导两大产业的融合和发展。但是,在促进旅游业与文化业相互融合共同发展时,要根据当地旅游、文化发展的实际情况,以当地的客观情况制定旅游产业与文化产业融合发展的规划,创新产业模式、增加产品内容、打造地区品牌,突出当地发展特色,充分利用国家给予的各方面支持,利用市场经济的发展模式,推动旅游产业与文化产业融合发展。从而促进地区内部多产业的合作,提高经济发展水平,促进地区两大产业可持续健康发展。



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