首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >灰色模型在南京奥体中心轨道交通周边房地产市场的应用




本文以南京夏季青年奥运会的举办引起轨道交通基础设施的完善为例,根据房地产置业调查收集样本和相关数据,结合定性判断和定量分析构建灰色预测模型,探究由青奥会轨道交通基础设施建设而引起房价变化的趋势,以及对南京奥体中心地铁站点附近普通住宅小区的房地产价值做出预测。结果表明:由南京青奥会举办而加强南京奥体中心周边轨道交通基础设施的完善,对房价的影响呈渐进式推进。随着交通设施便利,对房地产的推动效应也逐渐显现。核心区在短期内快速上涨,但是此影响持续时间较短,在青年奥运会结束之后,奥体中心附近地铁周边的房价有小幅度降低,随后又恢复至小幅度稳态增长。%Based on the construction and improvement of the transport infrastructure caused by Nanjing Summer Youth Olympic Games, the price of real estate near the rail traffic around Nanjing Olympic Sports Center has increased significantly. In this paper, according to the collect samples of real estate surveys and related data, the trend of housing price changes caused by the construction of the Youth Olympic rail transit infrastructure is explored and the ordinary residential real estate value near to Nanjing Olympic Sports Center subway station is forecasted. The improvement of rail transit infrastructure surrounding Nanjing Olympic Sports Center caused by the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games pushes up prices of real estate. The driving effect of the real estate caused by convenient transportation facilities is also gradually emerging. The price of core areas rose rapidly in the short term, but the duration of this effect is shorter. After the Youth Olympic Games, the prices of real estate near the Olympic Sports Center will decrease, and then recover to small steady growth.



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