首页> 中文期刊>城市观察 >我国城市新区发展战略研究




新区的战略定位是通过确定新区在区域当中的位置和功能,使其获得更大竞争力的过程。新区产业结构的调整与升级,有利于整个城市产业动态比较优势的形成与发展。新区的空间结构需要充分考虑自然地貌特征,新区内部生活居住与产业发展的平衡。新区要有效划分行政管理权限,整合各类公共资源,形成分工合理、职责明晰、高效运转、执行通畅的管理架构。新区还要创新市场化开发模式,吸引民间资本的进入,为新区建设提供可靠的财力保障。%The strategic positioning of new urban areas is the process to obtain greater competitiveness by determining the location and function in the region. Such a structural adjust- ment and upgrading will help form a city' s dynamic comparative advantage. It must fully con- sider the characteristics of the natural landscape, as well as the balance between residential and industrial development. That requires effective division of administrative authority, integration of public resources, and formation of a management structure of reasonable division of labor; clear responsibilities, efficient operation and smooth implementation; innovation of market-oriented development model to attract private capitals, and provision of reliable financial security for new urban areas.



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