首页> 中文期刊>隧道建设 >基于磨损比耗指数的滚刀磨损定量预测方法




为定量预测盾构掘进复合地层时不同刀位的滚刀磨损量,以滚刀磨损的逐刀量测及相应的破岩体积的分层统计为基础,将位置各异的滚刀磨损比耗指数(SWI)——滚刀磨损增加量与破岩体积之比,按滚刀掘进地层进行分类统计,得到以掘进参数为自变量、适用于4种均质地层的SWI回归方程.将SWI回归方程与磨损量的分层求和法相结合,提出基于磨损比耗指数的复合地层滚刀磨损的定量预测方法.研究表明:1)磨损比耗指数同时考虑磨损量与滚刀安装位置、掘进距离的关系,物理意义明确;2)SWI回归方程预测精度较高,可为刀圈极限磨损预测提供掘进参数预警值.通过分析方程系数与岩性的相关性,提出在不同地层中有利于减缓滚刀磨损的掘进参数调整方法.实测结果表明,复合地层滚刀磨损定量预测方法在磨损量预测,尤其是滚刀寿命预测中具有较高的精度.%The specific wear indexes(SWI,the ratio of cutter wear increase to the rock breaking volume)of every disc cutter are classified and summarized according to stratum boring based on stratum-wise summation method.The SWI regression equation,adapting for 4 kinds of homogeneous strata and with boring parameters as independent variable,is achieved.A quantitative prediction method for disc cutter wear based on SWI in composite strata is proposed by combining SWI regression equation and stratum-wise summation method of wear.The results show that:1)The relationship between cutter wear and cutter assembling position and that between cutter wear and tunneling length are taken account simultaneously in SWI,of which the physical significance is explicit.2)With a fine accuracy of prediction,the SWI regression equation is able to provide alarm value for predicting cutters' wear limit.The relationship between function coefficients and lithology is discussed;and then the optimal tunneling parameter adjusting methods for minimizing the disc cutter wear in different strata are put forward.The practice shows that the above-mentioned disc cutter wear prediction method is of high-precision.



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